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[Afghanistan] 300 Afghan Journalists Are Arrested, Tortured, and Intimidated Under Taliban Rule

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 VOA 한국어 영상 캡처

“Wake up, sleeper, rise, and Christ will shine on you.”

More than 300 Afghan journalists suffered human rights violations since the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan, the United Nations reported. According to Reuters and AFP, on the 26th (local time), the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the UN Human Rights Office said in a statement that Afghan journalists are working in a “difficult environment.”

According to U.N. investigations, there were 256 cases of “arbitrary arrest and detention” of journalists over the three years, from August 2021 to September 2024, since the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan, among those, 130 cases of “torture and abuse” and 75 of “threat or intimidation.”

“Afghan journalists are under unclear rules about what they can and cannot report, and they are at risk of intimidation or arbitrary detention on the grounds of criticism,” UNAMA chief Roja Otunbayeva said.

“We urge the safety and security of virtually all journalists and media workers performing the work of the authorities to be ensured and the importance of women working in the media to be fully recognised,” he added.

However, the Afghan foreign ministry said the U.N. investigation results showed exaggerated arrest figures and that detention was done per the law, adding that authorities are working to protect journalists. According to Reporters Without Borders, Afghanistan’s press freedom ranking has fallen from 122nd to 178th among 180 countries since the Taliban’s re-occupation.

AFP reported that before the Taliban took power, Afghanistan had about 8,400 media workers, including 1,700 women, but now only 5,100, including 560 women. (Source: Yonhap News).

It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:12-14)

God, would You rebuke the Taliban for covering up their injustice by blocking criticism of their power and policies through arrests and torture of journalists since taking over Afghanistan? Protect those in oppression and under control and let the shameful things that are tolerated under the Taliban regime be revealed in light. May You have mercy on the souls of Afghanistan oppressed under strict Islamic law and shine the light of Christ’s life on this land. May You visit those who seek and search the Lord in person and lead them to the blessed life of choosing the Lord always.

Prayer 24·365

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