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[US] Texas Elementary School Introduces Bible-Based Curriculum Next Year

▲ 출처: Unsplash의 Nicola Tolin 사진 캡처

“This gospel is Jesus Christ our Lord.”

The Texas State Board of Education has decided to introduce a new curriculum to introduce Bible-based education in elementary schools.

According to the U.S. Christian Post, the State Board of Education has finally approved “Bluebonnet Learning,” an elementary school curriculum that includes teaching the Bible in elementary schools in the state. About 2.3 million elementary school students (K-5) in Texas will learn the new curriculum as early as next semester.

The curriculum aims to incorporate the Bible into a wide range of subjects, particularly reading and language arts, for kindergarten to fifth-grade students. While the curriculum is not mandatory, schools that adopt it are eligible for additional state funding.

Gov. Greg Abbott, who has expressed support for the curriculum, called it “new changes will enhance students’ understanding of American history and culture.” “The Bible is deeply embedded in the foundations of the United States,” supporters said. “Integrating it into the curriculum will improve students’ education and help them better understand literature, history, and even modern expressions derived from the Bible.”

Keisha Russell, senior counsel for the First Liberty Institute, a Christian legal group, also said, “The Texas State Board of Education’s vote has repeatedly confirmed that the Bible is fit for education in history, literature, poetry, music, art, government, social customs, values, and behavioural sciences. We fully support this decision.”

On the other hand, some argue that the curriculum mainly focuses on Christian teaching and can alienate students from various religious or non-religious backgrounds.

“This change risks transforming public schools into platforms that encourage a single religious perspective, and will undermine the diversity that makes Texas strong,” said the nonprofit organisation South Asian American Voter Empowerment Texas (SAAVETX). (Source: Daily Good News roundup)

The gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 1:2-4)

Thank You, God, for Your grace to the Texas Board of Education to return to the Bible, the foundation of the United States, at a time when public education against the truth turned the generation to rebel against God. We pray that Texas’ good influence will spread throughout the United States. So that by trusting and teaching the word of the Lord, the standard and exemplary of every life, the generation may turn to life that follows the Son of God, who was revealed through the prophets. Also, please visit the souls of those who oppose so that they may return and be saved and renewed as a nation that reveres the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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