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[Iraq] Persecutions and Perils When Converts to Christianity…Assaults, Abductions, and Murders by Own Family

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 C채널 굿데이 영상 캡처

“To achieve for us an eternal glory that far outweighs all”

In Iraq, when Muslims convert to Christianity, it can lead to beatings, kidnappings, and even death, Faithwire reported. Jeff King, chairman of the International Christian Concern (ICC), recently appeared on CBN News’ “Newsmakers” podcast and revealed the seriousness of various persecutions experienced by believers in Iraq, a southwestern Asian country.

King explained that the persecution experienced by those who converted to Christianity depends on the degree of Islamic fundamentalism. “In very fundamentalist families, abduction and assaults are probably the lightest levels of response,” he said.

He went on to say, “Then it is followed by torture, which can lead to weeks of torture or even murder. It may be difficult to understand for Westerners, but often this torture is done by family members.”

According to the Open Doors Missions’ World Watch List, which quantifies the intensity of each country’s persecution, Iraq is ranked as the 16th most dangerous country in the world for Christians.

In the countries ranked as dangerous, “Muslims who converted to Christianity are likely to be under intense pressure from their family members and communities. They may be threatened, abused, lose family connections, pressured, or even killed. Conversion may result in substantial damages, including loss of inheritance rights and opportunities,” Open Door said.

King said the ICC had been active in Iraq for several years and was also at the scene when the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group ISIS (ISIS) attacked the country. ISIS’ terror attack caused serious damage to Iraqi Christians. “ISIS invaded Christian areas, drove out all residents and destroyed infrastructure such as villages and wells. They tried to exterminate the Christian faith in Iraq that had been around for over a thousand years,” he said.

The ICC has been working to restore Christian areas through activities such as supporting Christian businesses and rebuilding wells. Nevertheless, persecution still continues. King added, “The sacrifice continues, and the damaged legacy is still awaiting restoration.”

According to a previous report by CBN News, King claimed that the “legalisation of child rape” could be passed by the Iraqi parliament. The bill would lower the consent age for girls in the country from 18 to 9, which King pointed to as the influence of “fundamentalist Islam” behind the push. (Source: Evangelical Prayer Newspaper Roundup)

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)

God, we pray for Your divine protection over the lives of believers in Iraq who face extreme persecution. They endure abuse, violence, and even threats of death from their own families and communities because of their decision to follow Christ. Lord, comfort their hearts and fill them with Your peace as they keep their eyes fixed on the eternal glory that far outweighs their present suffering. We ask that the schemes of those who twist the law for their own greed and gain be exposed and brought to justice. May the truth and faith of Your people shine brightly in the darkness. Let the gospel of Christ echo across this land, bringing salvation and transformation to many.

Prayer 24·365

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