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[India] Christian woman loses consciousness after assault and torture by Hindus… life at risk

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures”

Morning Star News reported that Hindu extremists in eastern India stripped, assaulted, and tortured a Christian woman until she lost consciousness.

On December 26 last year, Subhasini Singh (40) was having a Christmas lunch with five families at the home of Gobinda Singh in Chhankhanpur village, Balasore district, Odisha state. During the meal, five Hindu extremists, including Badal Kumar Panda, entered the house and interrogated them. Claiming forced conversions, the Hindu nationalists vandalized the house and brutally assaulted Gobinda Singh, his wife, and their teenage daughter.

The attackers then focused their violence on Subhasini Singh. They smeared a Christmas cake on her face before repeatedly hitting her chest, legs, face, knees, and head, continuing the assault until she lost consciousness. When she regained consciousness, she realized she was being dragged outside with her clothes removed.

The attackers also beat Gobinda Singh’s sister, Sukanti Singh, and her husband with shoes, sandals, fists, and kicks. After Subhasini managed to put her clothes back on, the mob tied her and Sukanti to a tree and continued to beat them. They even hung a picture of Jesus on the tree above them. Subhasini stated that she lost consciousness three times due to the assault.

As the situation escalated, someone in the crowd called the police emergency line, but the response was delayed. Following a complaint from the Hindu extremists, police immediately detained the three Christians. Subhasini said, “No proper medical examination was conducted. Despite being in excruciating pain, the doctor did not prescribe any pain relief or examine my injuries.”

The police charged Subhasini and Sukanti under Section 4 of the Odisha Freedom of Religion Act of 1967 and several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including “deliberate and malicious acts intended to insult religious feelings,” “criminal conspiracy,” and “criminal intimidation.”

It wasn’t until videos of the incident went viral online that the seven attackers, including Panda, were arrested. After the videos garnered public attention, an additional 10 to 15 perpetrators were also identified and booked.

Despite Gobinda Singh’s denial of any forced conversions, local media reported the incident as a case of forced conversion. India is ranked 11th on the 2024 World Watch List for countries where Christians face persecution, according to Open Doors. In 2013, the country was ranked 31st, but the ranking has worsened since Modi’s government came into power. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Edited)

He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.  He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.(Hebrews 11:25-26, NIV)

God, we lift up the church in India into Your hands, as they face persecution not only from Hindu extremists but also from the police, doctors, and the media simply for being Christians. Grant endurance to their faith, which values the reproach of Christ as greater wealth than the fleeting pleasures of sin. Comfort Subhasini Singh, who has been devastated by abuse and torture, and all who suffer alongside her with the hope of heaven. Stretch out Your healing hand to restore them. May their faith cause their persecutors to fear You, and may all the churches in India gain boldness so that the Gospel flourishes throughout the land.

Prayer 24·365

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