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Pakistan 1
January 24th

“The Lord is Pakistan’s shelter from the storm!”

You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall (Isaiah 25:4,NIV)

▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent |  Southern Asia
Population | 245.21 million
Area | 796,095㎢, located Northwest of India
Capital City | Islamabad (2 million people)
Major Cities | Karachi (20 million), Lahore (13 million)
People Groups | Total 835 groups, Punjabi 44.7%, Pashtun 15.4%, Sindhi 14.1%, Saraiki 8.4%, Muhajir 7.6%, Baloch 3.6%, Other 6.3% , People Groups Unreached | 828 (99% of the population)
Official Language(s) | Urdu, English
Total Languages | 40
Bible Translations | Completed 10, New Testament 6, Partial 16
Religion | Christianity 1%, Islam 97.6%, Hinduism: 1.3%, Evangelical Christianity: 0.6% (1.44 million)

》 About Pakistan

Pakistan is the birthplace of many ancient civilizations and the land of many ancient empires. Pakistan is located northwest of India and is a major transit route between Southwest Asia, Central Asia, China, and the Middle East. In modern times, it was under the control of the British East India Company, and from 1858 to 1947, it was part of the British colony of India. At independence in 1947, it was divided into Pakistan, which followed Islam, and India, which followed Hindusim. Since then, Pakistan and India have fought wars and limited conflicts in 1947-48, 1965, and 1999 over the territory of Kashmir. In 1971, East Pakistan fought an Indian-backed war to gain independence as Bangladesh. Pakistan’s political power has been complex, with alternating civilian and military governments in power, and the country has a highly complex social system that combines democracy and authoritarianism, secularism and Islamic extremism. In 2010, the country adopted a parliamentary democracy with periodic elections. Today, Pakistan has the world’s sixth-largest military and is a nuclear power, with a large arsenal of nuclear weapons. Defense spending dominates the country’s budget, which has led to a delay in education, electricity, and separation of church and state compared to other countries. Currently, there are serious social problems in Pakistan, including the gap between the rich and poor, the expansion of the military’s power, political instability, corruption, and high illiteracy rates. The country is a federal parliamentary republic with Arif Albee as president and Nawaz Sharif as prime minister. 

Pakistan’s economy is a low-income country with a large portion of the population classified as living in absolute poverty. The country’s abundant water resources in the Indus River basin are utilized for agriculture, especially in the Punjab province, which produces cotton, milk, wheat, sugarcane, and rice. Textile and leather manufacturing has developed significantly, with processed textile products accounting for more than 50% of total exports. In 2019, the IMF granted Pakistan a 39-month bailout totaling $6 billion, making it the 13th country to receive an IMF loan since 1980. To combat the COVID-19 recession, the government has provided emergency relief funds for 12 million low-income households, reduced utility bills, and lowered fuel taxes.
Pakistan’s GDP per capita is approximately $1,596.

》 Scripture Focus

Isaiah 25:1-5(NIV)
1. O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.
2. You have made the city a heap of rubble, the fortified town a ruin, the foreigners’ stronghold a city no more; it will never be rebuilt.
3. Therefore strong peoples will honor you; cities of ruthless nations will revere you.
4. You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall
5. and like the heat of the desert. You silence the uproar of foreigners; as heat is reduced by the shadow of a cloud, so the song of the ruthless is stilled.

》 Prayer Points

1. Pakistan faces severe social issues due to its struggling economy, poverty, disease, high inflation, corruption, and increasing deaths from drug addiction. The country is also plagued by wars, internal conflicts, coups, and disputes. Terrorist attacks, both large and small, contribute to an unstable security situation and national confusion. Approximately 20% of the population lives below the minimum standard of living, facing problems like high inflation and fiscal deficits. Epidemics and diseases, such as AIDS, are widespread, but many people suffer due to inadequate treatment.
Let us pray for the souls in Pakistan who are unable to free themselves from sin or even recognize their suffering caused by it. Pray that the truth of the gospel of the cross may be clearly communicated, bringing true joy through liberation from all sin and death. May Pakistan be restored according to the divine purpose set long ago, becoming a nation that honors and fears the Lord with sincerity and truth.

2. Pakistan has a youth population that makes up over 55% of its total population. Child rights abuses are a serious problem, with exploitation through child labor, forced marriages, and the conscription of child soldiers. Corruption and illegality are prevalent in education and employment. The Islamic religious schools known as Madrasas operate for free, providing Quranic and fundamentalist Islamic education. Students at these schools are indoctrinated with extreme anti-Western and anti-Christian ideologies. This issue of nurturing youths with radical Islamist ideologies is extremely serious.
Let us pray for the Pakistani government to close down the Madrasas and to ensure that young people receive proper education. Pray that these youths are saved from extreme Islamic ideology and the violence and anger that lead to suicide terrorism. May the gospel of Jesus Christ, who has already conquered death, be heard by the young people of Pakistan.
Christian youth development organizations, church foundations, seminaries, and missions like OM are actively working in this area. Campus ministries are also evangelizing and training at universities. Let us pray that doors for ministry to Pakistani youth will be wide open, allowing them to grow in the truth of God’s teachings and in the grace of the Lord’s salvation.

3. Let us pray for the abolition of the ‘blasphemy laws’ established in 1980 by former President Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan, who enacted them to gain popular support. These laws have been misused not only in religious disputes and conflicts between different Islamic sects but also in personal vendettas. They have become a tool for harassing others.
Many Christians have been unjustly convicted and sentenced to death or imprisoned over the past decades due to false accusations and lack of evidence under these laws. Pray that this evil law, which takes the lives of innocent people through conflict, lies, and selfishness, be abolished.
Pray that the songs of the ruthless will disappear, and that the name of the Lord will be exalted and praised throughout Pakistan.

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