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East Asia / South-East Asia
January 28th

 “You may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light!”

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light(1 Peter 2:9,NIV)

East Asia South-East Asia

》 Counrty Profile

Population | East Asia 1.67 billion, Southeast Asia 680 million
Area | East Asia 11.79 million ㎢, Southeast Asia 4.49 million ㎢
Countries | East Asia 6 countries, Southeast Asia 11 countries
People Groups | East Asia 675 (East Asians 93.8%, Southeast Asians 2.7%, Tibeto-Himalayans 2% Turks 0.9%, others 0.6%), Southeast Asia 1,822 (Malays 59.5%, Southeast Asians 27.3%, Tibeto-Himalayans 6.4%, East Asians 4.4%, South Asians 1.0%, others 1.4%)
People Groups Unreached | East Asia 510 (18%) 295.3 million, Southeast Asia 683 (51.9%) 356.09 million
Languages ​​| East Asia  ​​338, Southeast Asia ​​1,277
Bible Translations | East Asia (Completed 59, New Testament 30, Partial 44) , Southeast Asia (Completed 164, New Testament 245, Partial 196)
Religion | East Asia (Christian 9.2%, Nonreligious 40.9%, tribal religion 30.5%, Buddhism 17.3%, Islam 1.78% Evangelical 7.2%), Southeast Asia (Christian 23.1%, Islam 38.8%, Buddhism 26.3%, tribal religion 5.6%, Nonreligious 4.15%, Evangelical 4.4%)

》 About East Asia, Southeast Asia

East Asia is a region where nationalism, political ideology conflicts, and historical issues cause strong tensions between countries. China and North Korea, which maintain communist and one-party rule, create unavoidable political and military tensions. East Asia is characterized by extreme ideological divides. South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the United States, as capitalist countries aligned with the West, face sharp opposition from China, Russia, and North Korea, countries which represent anti-Western views.
Southeast Asia was a battleground for colonial competition among major powers such as Britain, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Japan, and the United States. Except for Thailand, all 10 countries in the region experienced the pain of colonial rule. After the end of all wars and gaining independence, Southeast Asia was swept by a wave of socialism. At the same time, there was active movement towards democracy, supported by Western countries that feared socialism. However, this often clashed with the traditional cultures of Southeast Asia, causing conflicts.

Economy, East Asia is highly industrialized and is considered one of the three major economic centers of the world, alongside Europe and North America. It is a key region in the global economy and politics. Since the 21st century, it has been classified as a region with some of the world’s strongest economic, cultural, and military powers.
Southeast Asian countries have aimed for rapid industrialization as their economic goal. Since the 1960s, active export-oriented industries and foreign capital inflows have increased their dependence on the global economy. The economic structure involves importing capital goods from East Asia and exporting them to Europe and the United States. However, continued economic development has led to urban sprawl, environmental pollution, and increased urban crime.
East Asia’s GDP per capita is approximately $36,948
Southeast Asia’s GDP per capita is approximately $22,523

》  Scripture Focus

1 Peter 2:1-5,9-10(NIV)
1. Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.
2. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,
3. now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
4. As you come to him, the living Stone–rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him–
5. you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
9. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

》 Prayer Points

1. East Asia is home to some of the world’s most economically and militarily powerful countries. However, political ideological conflicts and historical issues lead to strong tensions between nations, and there are generally negative feelings toward neighboring countries. China and North Korea, with their commitment to communism and one-party rule, contribute to ongoing political and military tension.
Southeast Asia is characterized by diverse religious groups with strong regional identities, which often lead to conflicts. These issues hinder overall national development and weaken political stability. The clash between capitalism and communism has caused serious divisions in many Southeast Asian countries. Extreme wealth inequality has led to mistrust between social classes, and the varying interpretations of democracy and communism have created imbalances in national development. Corruption, inefficient bureaucracy, and uneven development between cities and rural areas remain major challenges for most Southeast Asian countries.
Let us pray for the East and Southeast Asian regions to be healed from division, malice, jealousy, and slander, and to be restored to a land that desires pure spiritual nourishment like newborn babies.

2. New challenges emerge for churches that are now multiple-generations old. With the rapid increase in material wealth in much of East Asia, Christians are presented with the challenges of materialism, affluence and the prosperity gospel – success has replaced suffering as the marker of a faithful believer. Nominalism, hedonism and the falling away of the younger generation into worldliness are relatively new issues the East Asian Church faces, issues the West has dealt with for some time.
Let us pray for the church to be awakened in the face of the challenges of nominalism and materialism. Let us pray that the church will rise up, firmly holding to the cross of the gospel, and proclaim the beauty of the Lord.

3. In Southeast Asia, most countries have a predominant religion that significantly influences culture and politics. There are various traditional beliefs, such as ancestor worship, land spirits, animism, and shamanism. Islam is making efforts to spread in Southeast Asia, and evangelism in Islamic countries is restricted. Despite this, there is a growing number of people converting from Islam to Christianity through the Bible, dreams, visions, and testimonies. Additionally, there are remarkable growths in regions that were once closed to or hostile toward the gospel. Let us give thanks for what God is doing in Southeast Asia and pray for the souls in the region to be restored to serve the living God alone.
Southeast Asian countries face ethnic conflicts, including issues with minority groups, since gaining independence. Nationalism has fostered intolerance and exclusion towards other ethnicities and cultures. The challenges related to nation-building and minority issues have manifested in armed struggles, separatist movements, and government resistance.
Let us pray for God’s grace to bring unity among His people in these divided and conflicted lands.

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