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February 14th

“Singapore, Raise a banner for the nations!”

Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations!(Isaiah 62:10,NIV)

▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent | Southeast Asia
Population| 5.92 million
Area| 719㎢  Located on the southern tip of the Malaysian Peninsula in Southeast Asia.
Capital City |  Singapore (3.04 million)
People Groups |  Total 51 Groups (Chinese 74.3%, Malay 13.4%, Indian 9%, others 3.2%)
People Groups Unreached | 21 (17.7% of the population)
Offical Language(s) | English, Mandarin (Chinese), Malay, Tamil
Total Languages | 39
Bible Translations | Completed 31, New Testament 3, Partial 2
Religion | Christian 13% (Protestant 3.4%), Buddhist 40.5%, Non-religious 18.8%, Muslim 13.7%, Ethnic religion 8.2%, Hinduism 4.6%, Evangelical 7.1% (420,000 people)

》 About Singapore

Singapore became a key trading post for British trade in the East in 1819 after British official Sir Stamford Raffles signed an agreement with the Johor Kingdom. During World War II, it was occupied by Japan, and then in 1959, Singapore became a self-governing state within the British Commonwealth. After briefly joining Malaysia in 1963, it separated in 1965 due to racial and economic conflicts, becoming an independent republic. The People’s Action Party (PAP), led by Lee Kuan Yew, has dominated Singaporean politics since the first legislative election in 1959, guiding the country to prosperity. Since 1968, the PAP has monopolized nearly every seat in the general elections held every four years.
Singapore’s politics is governed by a parliamentary system. The PAP continues to hold power under Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Lee Kuan Yew’s son, who took office in 2004. 40-year-old Lawrence Wong, who was elected as Deputy Prime Minister, is expected to be his successor.

Singapore has an openeconomy, with low corruption and stable prices. It has a higher GDP per capita than many other advanced nations, with thriving industries in electronics, oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical and scientific equipment. and advanced services in transportation and finances. However, the government is trying to reduce its reliance on foreign labor due to a slowing workforce growth and an aging population. The government is also pushing for a reconstruction that will increase productivity and raise wages. The COVID-19 pandemic weakened domestic market demand and global border restrictions have impacted wholesale trade, aviation, and tourism. However, with a gradual economic reopening, the retail and food service sectors are showing signs of recovery. Singapore’s GDP per capita is approximately $93,400

》 Scripture Focus

Isaiah 62:8-12(NIV)
8 The LORD has sworn by his right hand and by his mighty arm: “Never again will I give your grain as food for your enemies, and never again will foreigners drink the new wine for which you have toiled;
9 but those who harvest it will eat it and praise the LORD, and those who gather the grapes will drink it in the courts of my sanctuary.”
10 Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.
11 The LORD has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your Savior comes! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.’ ”
12 They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.

》 Prayer Points

1. About 13% of Singapore’s population is Christian, with 420,000 evangelicals, a  number that has been steadily increasing. In this prosperous, highly industrialized country, Christians are often associated with a “high intellectual level” and “success.” However, the materialism in society can make it difficult to maintain spiritual passion. Singapore is currently facing various social issues such as low birth rates, an aging population, divorce, domestic violence, depression, sexual immorality, drug abuse, and a gambling addiction. These challenges increase the need for the gospel.
Churches in Singapore have united through events like the “Global Day of Prayer,” “Love Singapore Movement,” “National Missions Conference,” and “National Prayer Alliance.” Let us pray for the protection of the spiritual harvest that the Lord has given to the Singaporean church, ensuring that it is not stolen by the enemy. Let us pray that those who reap the harvest will continually praise the Lord and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

2. Singapore serves as a key strategic hub for many international missionary organizations, including the Navigators, International Mission Board (IMB), OM, OMF, SIM, Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT), WEC, and Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Through these organizations, mission work is actively carried out in Singapore and neighboring countries, contributing to the growth of God’s kingdom.
Many short-term missionaries are trained and sent out through Singaporean churches and mission groups, with an increasing number of long-term missionaries as well. Organizations like the “Singapore Centre for Global Missions” and the “Fellowship of Missional Organizations in Singapore” are dedicated to nurturing missionaries. Additionally, pastors and ministers from Asia and Africa receive theological training at Bible colleges and seminaries in Singapore.
Let us pray that Singaporean churches will continue to prepare the way for the nations to turn to the Lord, raising a banner for all peoples as they faithfully obey the call to missions.

3. Singapore guarantees freedom of religion, but evangelism is challenging due to the “Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act(MRHA).” Because of this act many churches are cautious. Let’s pray for Singaporean churches to boldly proclaim the gospel to the 40% of the population who are Buddhists, 18% who are non-religious, 13% who are Malay and Indonesian Muslims, 4% who are Hindu Tamils, and over one million migrant workers.
As the Lord has declared His salvation to the ends of the earth, may the Singaporean church be used as a holy nation, faithfully sharing the gospel without fear and not losing a single soul.

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