“But the Lord is my shield, my glory, and the lifter of my head!”
But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head(Psalm 3:3,NIV).

》 Country Profile
Continent| America
Population | 114,000
Area | 344㎢, Three islands located at the southernmost tip of the Windward Islands in the southern Caribbean.
Capital | St. George’s (39,000)
People Groups | total 6 groups African Caribbean 89.9%, South Asian 3.8%, British 2.5%, St. Lucian 2.3% People Groups Unreached | 0
Official Language(s) | English, Grenadian dialect
Total languages | 5 Bible translations | Completed 2, New Testament 1
Religion | Christian 92.4% (Protestant 27%, Catholic 45%, Anglican 14%), Non-religious 3.8%, Hindu 2%, Ethnic religion 1%, Islam 0.7% Evangelical 18.8 % (21,000)
》 About Grenada
Grenada was a French colony from 1650 and developed large sugar plantations, using many enslaved people brought from Africa. In 1762, the British took control, ruling until Grenada gained full independence in 1974. In 1979, a bloodless coup established the People’s Revolutionary Government. The country then grew closer to Cuba and the Soviet Union, causing tension with pro-U.S., Western-friendly Latin American countries. In 1983, the United States, with other nations, intervened militarily, removing the socialist government. Grenada is now a member of the Commonwealth and follows a parliamentary system with a constitutional monarchy. Since 2013, Keith Mitchell has served as Prime Minister.
Grenada economy relies on tourism and agriculture, especially spices, cocoa, and bananas. Due to natural disasters and the global financial crisis, Grenada’s economy faced major challenges beginning in 2009, with a significant debt crisis in 2013. A restructuring plan in 2014 helped the economy recover quickly, making Grenada one of the strongest-growing members of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). Unemployment has reduced to around 24%, yet remains high, with about 38% of people living below the poverty line. Grenada’s GDP per capita is approximately $10,463.
》 Scripture Focus
Psalms 3:1-4, 7-8(NIV) 1. O LORD, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! 2. Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” Selah 3. But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. 4. To the LORD I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill. Selah 7. Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. 8. From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. Selah |
》 Prayer Points
1. Let’s pray for the churches in Grenada to be filled with the true message of the cross and a spirit of prayer. Many Catholics there follow traditions and culture rather than deep faith, leading to widespread nominalism (only practicing faith in name). There are about 100 Protestant churches and 3 theological schools, and churches have united under groups like the Conference of Churches of Grenada and the Evangelical Alliance. Pray that the churches in Grenada will understand and share the true gospel of Jesus Christ, becoming strong communities of believers. Let’s also pray for the Evangelical churches to work together genuinely, not just on the surface, and for them to effectively partner in sharing the gospel with a unified mission to reach people in Grenada. Pray for the churches in Grenada to long for God’s glory, interceding for all souls.
2. Pray for the moral strength of believers, as even within many churches, there is a struggle with family breakdowns, loose sexual norms, and high rates of teen pregnancy. Many families are headed only by women, as men often go abroad for work. However, the recent growth of evangelical churches has led more people to embrace a solid faith. Let us give thanks to God for this and pray that these believers will remain strong in their faith, standing firm with His salvation.
Saint George’s University, founded in 1976, has become a well-known institution, especially for its medical and veterinary programs, attracting thousands of students from over 100 countries. Pray that the church will reach out to these students with a heart for mission, sharing the gospel with people from different cultures and shining as salt and light in the world.
Cayman Islands

》 Country Profile
Population | 64,000
Area | 264㎢ Consists of three islands: Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Breck; located northwest of Jamaica in the western West Indies.
Capital City | Georgetown (35,000)
People Groups | Total 10 groups, Cayman native 45.4%, Jamaican 25.7%, American 7.2%, Honduran 5.6%, Latin American 3.9%, Canadians 3.5%, Haitian 2.6% People Groups Unreached | 0
Official Languages | English
Total Languages | 5 Bible Translations | Completed 4
Religion | Christian 81.9% (Protestant 49%, independent church 9%), Ethnic religion 14.2%, Non-religious 3.1%, others 0.8% Evangelicals 21.2% (13,000)
》 About The Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands, discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1503, had originally been part of Jamaica but officially became a British territory in 1670 under the Treaty of Madrid. They were a dependency of Jamaica f 1863 until Jamaica’s independence in 1962, when the islands reverted to direct British rule. Today, they remain a British Overseas Territory, with the British monarch as head of state. Since 2021, Wayne Panton has served as Prime Minister, with a four-year term.
The Cayman Islands’ economy relies heavily on offshore finance, similar to other well-known tax havens like the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Turks and Caicos Islands, and New Caledonia. The Cayman Islands have no direct taxes, such as corporate or income tax, which has attracted many foreign businesses. As of 2017, there were about 280 banks, over 700 insurance companies, and around 10,500 mutual funds, with a total of approximately 65,000 companies registered there. Almost 90% of food and consumer goods are imported, and the residents enjoy a high standard of living similar to Switzerland’s. The economy depends on both tourism and its secretive, tax-free financial services, making it quite similar to Switzerland in structure. The Cayman Islands’ GDP per capita is approximately $96,073.
》 Prayer Points
1. The flag of the Cayman Islands displays a verse from Psalm 24:2, which reads, “For He founded it upon the seas.” About half of the Cayman Islands’ population identifies as Protestant, with over 21% identifying as evangelical Christians. There are many churches, with roughly one church per 500 residents, influencing society. However, the islands are well-known as a Caribbean tax haven and center for offshore finance, which has led to concerns about money laundering. Tourism has also become a key industry, attracting many visitors each year, and sometimes bringing associated social issues like crime and vice. Let’s pray that the church acts as an intercessor, deeply concerned for the repentance of the people of the Cayman Islands. Pray that they confront sin and for their holiness and restoration, asking for God’s work to transform their land.
2. Let’s also pray for churches to stand firmly on the gospel of the cross, guiding people toward righteousness in Jesus and nurturing them with holiness. Pray that churches proclaim the truth and raise up witnesses who live by that truth, bringing a revival of life to the Cayman Islands. May they be dedicated to spreading the gospel to the many souls who visit this land, standing faithfully in mission and obedience.
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