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Chapter 7. God Creates Man for Fellowship of Love and Joy

The Purpose of Man is to Glorify God and Delight in Him forever.

1) Our Original Form: Created as Beings of Fellowship of Love and Joy

Our hearts change easily from morning to evening, with countless reasons for both joy and sorrow. So, what is the reason for God’s delight? Surprisingly, He finds joy in us. In the love of the triune God, He created us to be the object of His joy and companionship. However, what is our reality? Does this glory of being the object of God’s love and companionship overcome and delight us in every situation? Due to our broken relationship with God, we fail to experience the surpassing joy in our present situations.

》Scripture Prayer

(Song of Solomon 4:7-12) You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you. Come with me from Lebanon, my bride; come with me from Lebanon. Depart from the peak of Amana, from the peak of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the mountains of leopards. You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your oils than any spice! Your lips drip nectar, my bride; honey and milk are under your tongue; the fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon. A garden locked is my sister, my bride, a spring locked, a fountain sealed.

(Isaiah 43:21) The people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.

》Pray that the Word may become the Conclusion.

1. Just as a married person treasures their beloved spouse, God finds great delight in communing with us in the same way. Do you also find joy in fellowship with God, as God does? Our Original Form received the gift of being able to commune with God without fear. Let us pray for an understanding of this grace.

God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1Corinthians 1:9)

2. Let us give thanks and praise to God for reconciling our broken relationship by the grace of the Cross. Let us boldly approach God, having shattered the deceit of the fearful adversary through the work of the Cross of Christ. Let us move forward in deep communion with God before the gospel of the cross, where God, on our behalf, paid the ransom to restore us as his companions of love and joy.

That we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all our days. (Luke 1:74-75)

2) Enjoy Fellowship with God through Prayer

“We have been invited as ones who can engage in spiritual conversation with God. We are invited to the place of marvelous communion that existed between the loving Father and His beloved Son. That is what prayer is. Prayer is the glorious place where we are included in the communion of the Triune God, who is our King.
In this place of communion, we serve the nations alongside God. Therefore, God has called us, born again as a church in Jesus Christ, the ‘house of prayer for all nations’ (Isaiah 56:6-7, Mark 11:17). We have become channels of blessings to bring back the lost children, understanding the heart of God the Father toward them, so that all nations may return to the Lord. The Lord has called us as intercessors, the ‘house of prayer for all nations.’ Come, enter the glorious path where our Original Form can also be experienced on this earth, the place of love and joy, the place of prayer!

》Scripture Prayer

(John 17:20-23) “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

(John 17:24-26) Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father, even though the world does not know you, I know you, and these know that you have sent me. I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.”

》Pray that the Word may become the Conclusion.

1. Jesus had fellowship with God through prayer, seeking to understand His will. Through fellowship, we come to know, and through knowing, we come to love. This path is also open to me. Let us have fellowship the unseen God through prayer. If you desire to love the Lord more, you must daily read and meditate on the truth-filled Word containing God’s heart and will and obey it. Now, let us resolve to read and meditate on the Bible daily, pray according to His Word, and obey until the Gospel becomes a reality in our lives.

Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. (Psalm 116:2)

2. God desires to have fellowship not only with us but with the lost souls of all nations. Jesus Himself became our intercessor to accomplish this for us. Our Original Form is a life in the name and qualification of Jesus Christ, a life as a king-like priest who reconciles nations with God. Let us pray that I and our church rise as the ‘house of prayer for all nations’ until all nations come to know God’s love and receive salvation.

These I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” (Isaiah 56:7)

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