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Ch 8. Bangladesh, where small groups of churches are being built firmly

Despite the rising persecution rankings, the number of Christians grew by 3.6% annually.

In Bangladesh, there are approximately 1.1 million Christians, making up only 0.6% of the country’s population of 171 million. Christianity is mainly represented by Catholics (46%) and Protestants (40%), including Baptists and the Assemblies of God. Evangelicals account for about 34% of the Christian population. The number of Christians is growing at an annual rate of 3.6%, driven by Muslim conversions, ongoing evangelism, and natural Christian births. However, some Muslim converts show signs of syncretism with Islam. When churches provide aid to the poor, they must be cautious to prevent false conversions motivated solely by economic gain. Many people learn about Jesus and the Bible through YouTube, a popular video platform. Reports indicate that over 7 million Bangladeshis watched Christian videos on YouTube in 2018. Additionally, there are Bangladeshi churches that actively send missionaries within the country.

Bangladesh has climbed significantly in the global persecution index in recent years, moving from 48th in 2019 to 29th in 2022, with violence against Christians on the rise. Bangladeshi Christians who have converted from Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or tribal religions face the harshest restrictions, discrimination, and attacks. Converts are often expelled from their communities and, fearing attacks, tend to gather secretly in small home churches or groups. Churches are frequently threatened, monitored, and sometimes violently targeted. Christians from the Santal tribe and other minority tribes face double persecution for being both an ethnic and religious minority. They are often subjected to land seizures and violence. Attacks on church buildings continue across the country, and reports or complaints from Christians are frequently ignored by government offices.

Although the Bible has been translated into many languages spoken in Bangladesh, it is actually not easy to obtain. The Bible itself is legal, but there are many people who are too poor to buy one. The Voice of the Martyrs provides safe homes for Christians who have been expelled from the community, and provides Bibles, mission training classes, and medical services to those injured by persecution.

“Jesus Christ is our Savior, and we will die for Him.”

In 2022, a Christian convert in Bangladesh lost his home in a fire, but his Bible was left unburned, drawing widespread attention. According to Christian Today UK, 60-year-old Rafiqul and his nine family members sleep under a small pierced roof after the fire. The pastor of the local church that Rafiqul attends said, “Neighboring Muslims have been persecuting Rafiqul’s family for the past few months.”

Rafiqul suspects that Muslims who wanted him to leave the village were responsible for the arson, as he had converted to Christianity. He said, “Some groups not only attacked members of my family but also filed false charges against me, claiming I had abused them.” He added, “They have been trying to take my family’s land and property for a long time.” According to Open Doors, Rafiqul’s family is believed to be the only one in the village to have converted from Islam to Christianity.

There were two terrorist attacks carried out by Buddhist radicals on a church in southeastern Bangladesh. According to Asia News, in 2021, Buddhist radicals led by Joan Chakma, leader of the regional political group “United People’s Democratic Front (UPDF),” attacked a church in Suandrapara Village in the Rangamati region. During the attack, the church’s front door, cross , and other items were destroyed, and some members of the congregation were reportedly threatened and forced out of their homes.

According to the Christian Post, church members had been receiving threats and demands to convert from Buddhist radicals for weeks, via messages such as, “If you don’t destroy the church yourselves, we will.” Despite the threats, the members remained firm in their faith. Tubel Chakma Poran Aditheon, the deputy pastor of the church, told Asia News, “The radicals ordered us to destroy the church, but we won’t,” adding that “If we must give our lives, we will. They threatened us to return to our old religion, but we won’t go back. Jesus Christ is our Savior, and we are willing to die for Him.”

He explained that the members of the Suandrapara Church converted from Buddhism to Christianity in 2005 after accepting Jesus Christ. In January of this year, they constructed a church building using small bricks and tin with support from the Bawm Tribal Baptist Church. Despite the constant threats from Buddhist extremists, Pastor Aditheon testified that the church members continued to gather daily for prayer.

Open Doors warned that Christians in Bangladesh, where the majority are Muslims, face persecution not only from Muslims but also from a minority of Buddhists. It also noted that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Christians were excluded from government relief efforts, leading to severe hunger and health issues.

》Prayer Points

1. Let us proclaim in faith that God is the only hope for Bangladesh, a nation that is poor, densely populated, chaotic, and fragile. Since receiving the gospel from William Carey, the first Protestant missionary, Christians in Bangladesh currently make up just 0.6% of the population. While the seeds of the gospel have been planted, growth appears slow. Even so, let us trust in the Lord and pray all the more fervently. Let us pray that the small Bangladeshi Church will seek first His kingdom and righteousness and be strengthened through the Word and prayer of the Gospel.

31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. 32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.(Luke 12:31-32,NIV)

2. Christians and churches in Bangladesh continue to face threats and attacks, with the risk of losing their homes and land, being displaced, or even killed. Yet, let us praise God for drawing Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus to Himself, as they continue to convert and return to Him despite these crises. Let us pray that the believers in the Bangladeshi Church will be granted grace and faith to endure persecution, deny themselves daily, take up their cross, and follow the Lord faithfully.

23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.(Luke 9:23-24,NIV)

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