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May 27th

“Kazakhstan, now you are light in the Lord! Walk as children of light!

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of light.(Ephesians 5:8,NIV)

▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent | Central Asia
Population | 19.4 million
Area | 2,724,900㎢ The 9th largest country in the world, located in Northern Central Asia.
Capital City | Astana (1.25 million) / Almaty (1.96 million)
People Groups | Total 72 groups Kazakhs 64.6%, Russians 20.2%, Uzbeks 2.8%, Ukrainians 2.5%, Uyghurs 1.8%, Tatars 1.2%, Koreans 180,000
People Groups Unreached | 36 (75.5% of the population)
Offical Language(s) | Kazakh, Russian
Total Languages | 60
Bible Translations | Completed 36, New Testament 14, Partial 6
Religion | Christianity 13.7% (Protestant 0.9%, Orthodox 12.4%), Islam 53.5%, Non-religious 32.5% Evangelicals 0.6% 120,000

》 About Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s history began in the 15th century with the migration of Turkic nomadic tribes to the region. By the 1860s, the entire territory had been incorporated into the Russian Empire. As Russian settlers and Tatar populations moved in, Islamic culture began to spread significantly. Following the Russian Revolution in 1917, Kazakhs launched independence movements, but in 1925, Kazakhstan was absorbed into the Soviet Union as the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Autonomous Republic. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to Kazakhstan’s independence. At the time of independence, ethnic Kazakhs were a minority in their own country. From the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s, a large number of non-Muslim minorities emigrated. Nursultan Nazarbayev, who became the leader in 1989 as the Soviet Kazakh Republic’s First Secretary, served as Kazakhstan’s president for 30 years, until 2019. Currently, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is serving a five-year term as president. The president holds significant powers, including the authority to make decisions on domestic and foreign policies, and under special circumstances, to legislate by decree.

Kazakhstan boasts a resource-rich economy. It ranks 12th globally in proven oil reserves and 15th in natural gas reserves. The country also holds substantial deposits of uranium, chromium, copper, and other key minerals, placing it among the top global producers. Additionally, it possesses rare earth metals, iron, molybdenum, and titanium in significant quantities. Its main exports include industrial metals, uranium, and grains, with oil production playing a vital role in the domestic economy. However, in 2020, the economy suffered from the combined impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and declining oil prices. Kazakhstan’s GDP per capita is approximately $25,300.

》 Scripture Focus

Ephesians 5:8-14(NIV)
8. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of light
9. (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)
10. and find out what pleases the LORD.
11. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
12. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
13. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.
14. This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

》 Prayer Points

1. Approximately 13% of Kazakhstan’s population identifies as Christian, predominantly members of Orthodox and Catholic churches. Protestants make up less than 1%, with many found among minority groups like Koreans (Koryo-saram). A common saying in Kazakhstan, “To be Kazakh is to be Muslim,” reflects the deep connection between Kazakh identity and Islam. Most Kazakhs follow a blend of Islam and indigenous practices, such as Tengriism (sky worship), alongside a strong inclination toward secularism, including a prevalent drinking culture. The government, aiming to strengthen Islam, enacted the Religious Law in 1993. A 2011 amendment to this law led to church re-registration requirements and closures. Around 1,000 registered churches and organizations in the early 2000s dwindled to about 350 under the new legislation. Additionally, evangelizing to minors under 16 without parental consent is prohibited, and worship gatherings face fines. Converts to Christianity often endure domestic violence and public humiliation. Following the law’s amendments, most worship shifted to small house groups, and many believers abandoned their faith.
Pray for the churches to stand firm in their identity as children of the Light and to be deeply rooted in the gospel of the cross to overcome persecution and trials.

2. After Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991, early missionaries established many churches. However, as the nation became more Kazakh-centered and Islam’s influence grew, church growth declined. Despite governmental suppression, foreign missionaries and organizations persist in their efforts, focusing on the 0.07% evangelization rate among Kazakhs. Pray for the spread of the gospel in the Kazakh language and greater unity among believers. The Kazakh Evangelical Alliance plays a key role in fostering collaboration among churches. Mission training institutions equip missionaries who reach Central Asia and Islamic countries.
Thank God for fruitful programs like Alpha Course, TEE correspondence education, and ministries producing Kazakh and Russian Bible translations, literature, and media content. Pray for these efforts to nurture believers effectively.

3. The experience of communism under the Soviet Union left many families in Kazakhstan broken, with widespread pain, hardship, and loneliness. Many people, even at a young age, fall into addiction, with alcohol and drugs like heroin being alarmingly easy to obtain. This addiction often leads to violence and sexual immorality, trapping individuals in deep spiritual darkness from which they cannot escape on their own.
Pray that these souls would turn away from darkness, be convicted of their sins, and receive the grace to repent. Mission Agape is a ministry that provides training and discipleship for addicts, transforming them into church leaders and even missionaries. Pray that all hidden sins in Kazakhstan would be exposed by the light, becoming opportunities for redemption. May the nation bear the fruits of light—goodness, righteousness, and truth—and shine brightly as a beacon of God’s glory.

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