The Chinese church, having grown under communist rule, is facing persecution again
According to The Voice of the Martyrs Korea, the Chinese church has experienced explosive growth over the past 30 years. It is estimated that there are around 130 million Christians in China (with Open Doors estimating approximately 96.7 million). The majority of believers worship in unregistered house churches. Only about 30 million attend government-approved and state-controlled churches under the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM). Despite ongoing pressure and suppression from the Communist Party, house church leaders refuse to compromise the gospel by joining state-approved churches.
A decade ago, the Chinese government tolerated some unregistered churches within the house church movement. However, in February 2018, government regulations on unregistered churches were tightened as a new religious law (religious affairs ordinance) was enacted. Since then, hundreds of churches have been closed, pastors and church members have been arrested or detained, and online Bible sales have been banned. Church crosses continue to be torn down. Gradually, even Three-Self Patriotic Movement churches continue to be demolished and closed. Foreign missionaries were almost forcibly deported. It was so severe that 300 of the 380 Chinese missionaries belonging to GMS, General Assembly Mission Board under the Korean Presbyterian denomination, were expelled.
China has the most oppressive and sophisticated surveillance system in the world. The government has installed more than 170 million facial recognition cameras in and around churches to identify worshippers. Christians are often charged with heresy or falsely accused of crimes such as “illegal business activities” or “attempting to harm the state.” Generally, believers living farther away from Beijing have slightly more freedom. Around 60% of Chinese Christians live in rural areas. The old notion that the government only cracks down on churches when they grow too large, become political, or invite foreign guests no longer holds true. To further pressure Christian parents, the government refuses to allow their children to attend school. It remains illegal to teach religion to minors under the age of 18.
Christian persecution is particularly severe in Xinjiang, Tibet, and western China. Converts from Islam or Tibetan Buddhism often face threats and persecution from their own families and communities. Christian men are pressured to divorce and remarry, and neighbors frequently report Christian activities to authorities or local village chiefs. In 2018, China ranked 43rd in the World Watch List of Christian persecution. By 2022, it had risen to 17th place due to increasing government surveillance and pressure on believers.
The Chinese church does not stop worshipping and evangelizing in the midst of daily persecution
In February 2022, Professor Ma Min-ho (Department of International Affairs and Literature, Handong University) explained at a monthly conference on the theme of “China and the Chinese Church from a Christian Perspective,” “China has used public control tactics to suppress active individuals as examples, and it has regularly controlled and banished family church leaders and missionaries who are passionate about Christianity.” He continued, “President Xi Jinping has shifted from the previous policy of religious tolerance, which was aimed at economic growth, to a policy of strict religious control. This is the core of the Sinicization of Religion policy, which demands that religion align with socialist ideology and follow the leadership of the Communist Party.” Ma also suggested that the Chinese government’s harsh religious suppression should be viewed as an opportunity for global missions. He emphasized, “Although many missionaries have been forced to withdraw due to Xi Jinping’s crackdown and COVID-19, when we interpret this situation through the lens of redemptive history, we can recognize that when one door closes, God opens another.”
He further stated, “Rather than approaching Chinese missions from a regional perspective, we must adopt a people-group strategy. We must recognize the significance of reaching the Chinese diaspora scattered around the world.”
In August 2022, well-known unregistered churches, including Beijing Zion Church, Shouwang Church, and Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, were raided by the Chinese government. The Voice of the Martyrs Korea (CEO Hyun Sook Foley) pointed out that this persecution is simply a part of daily life for unregistered churches in China.
Shouwang Church has been forced to meet outdoors for the past 11 years after being denied the use of their building. Foley stated, “Just as the early Christians in the Book of Acts continued to spread the gospel despite persecution, believers in China remain steadfast. Instead of being silenced, they have shared the gospel in unexpected places—parks, teahouses, police stations, and even prison cells.”
On March 1, 2022, China implemented new regulations restricting religious content on the internet. While it is being observed that the online activities of Chinese Christians are already shrinking due to this regulation, a Chinese street evangelist encouraged believers to continue posting online despite these restrictions.
In 2021, while preaching on the streets of Hengyang City in Hunan Province, evangelist Chen Wensheng was detained more than six times. He later posted a message on social media titled “How Should Christians Respond to Government Measures on Internet Regulations” In his message, he shared words of encouragement from Scripture: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7) “Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.” (Hebrews 10:35) “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” (Ephesians 6:10) Chen, who was once a drug addict, became a new creation in Christ after hearing the gospel. Since then, he has dedicated himself to street evangelism.
》Prayer Points
1. Let us pray that God will break down every scheme that seeks to disrupt the Chinese church by closing it down, as the oppression of the Chinese Communist regime and President Xi Jinping’s long-term dictatorship have intensified. Let us also pray that this reality of the Chinese government will be revealed to the Chinese people and the world, so that many souls seeking God and the gospel will rise away from communist ideas and the greed of the dictator.
1 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.(Isaiah
60:1-3, NIV)
2. The Chinese church has worshiped and shared the gospel like the early church in the Book of Acts, which has never lived without persecution. Let us ask for the church of China to be filled with grace and truth, standing firm in faith even as persecution intensifies. Let us also pray for the revival of the Kingdom of God and the completion of His missions that may God use the endurance and faith of the Chinese church to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.
13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.(1 Peter 4:13-14,NIV)
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