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March 21st

“Bolivia, let the word of our God stand forever!”

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”(Isaiah 40:8,NIV)

▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent | America
Population | 12.05 million
Area | 21,098,581㎢ Located in the interior of the Andes in western central South America.
Capital City | La Paz (1.9 million), Sucre (constitutional capital, 280,000)
People Groups | Total 48 groups, Mestizo 65.6%, Native American 30% (Quechua 15.2%, Aymara 9.5%), German 2%
People Groups Unreached | 2 groups (approximately 2,900 people)
Official Language(s) | Spanish, Quechua, Aymara
Total Languages | 39
Bible Translations | Completed 12, New Testament 18, Partial 6
Religion | Christian 92.4% (Protestant 15.1%, Catholic 70.6%), Non-religious 2.9%, Ethnic religion 1.6%, Baha’i 1.5%, Evangelical 19.3%, 2.26 million people

》 About Bolivia

Bolivia was once part of the Inca Empire, the most advanced civilization in the Andes, but it came under Spanish rule in 1535. In 1825, independence was achieved by an army led by A.J. Sucre and Bolívar. Since then, Bolivia has experienced over 200 coups and revolutions and lost significant land after wars with Chile and Paraguay. Civilian government was established in 1982, but the country remained unstable. In 2006, socialist president Evo Morales was elected but was forced to step down in 2019 after a controversial attempt to win a fourth term. President Luis Arce was elected in 2020, and Morales returned after charges against him were dropped.

Bolivia’s economy has rich mineral and energy resources, but it is still one of the poorest countries in South America. Many of the rural poor grow coca plants, making Bolivia the third-largest producer of coca (used in cocaine) in the world. Large natural gas deposits were discovered in the 2000s, leading to exports to Brazil and Argentina and boosting the economy. However, since 2014, falling oil prices have slowed Bolivia’s economic growth. Bolivia’s GDP per capita is approximately $3,700.

》 Scripture Focus

Isaiah 40:1-3, 8-11(NIV)
Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.
A voice of one calling: “In the desert prepare the way for the LORD ; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”
You who bring good tidings to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God!”
See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.

》 Prayer Points

1. In Bolivia, about 70% of people identify as Catholic, and 15% are Protestant. Traditional indigenous beliefs still influence many Christians, especially Catholics, who often need a deeper connection with the teachings of the Bible. However, Evangelical Christians have grown threefold since the 1990s. Let’s thank God for this growth. Let’s pray that churches, especially through the Evangelical Association (ANDEB), will help believers understand the Bible more deeply and live as disciples, so that Bolivia—after enduring many hardships—can find comfort in God. Also pray for God’s Word to be firmly rooted in Bolivia.

2. Christian missions in Bolivia began in 1902 through George Allan from the mission organization SIM (Serving In Mission). Since then, many missionaries have served in Bolivia despite difficult conditions, opposition, and even persecution. SIM, New Tribes Mission (NTM), and Youth With A Mission (YWAM) are among the main organizations still active, working to train local leaders. Let’s pray that missionaries will work together with humility, supporting the churches and reaching the many communities in Bolivia’s “high mountain,” proclaiming, “Behold your God.”

3. About 50% of Bolivia’s population is under 24, but many young people are unemployed and at risk of falling into violence or drug use. Let’s pray for more ministries and churches to reach these young people with the gospel and make disciples. Bolivia also has over 300,000 college students, so let’s pray that student ministries, like CCU/IFES and CCCI, will effectively share the gospel on campuses. While extreme poverty has decreased, rural areas still struggle, with many children suffering from hunger and anemia. May God, like a shepherd, care for these little ones, providing them with nourishment and hope.

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