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India Delhi
January 20th

“Love each other as I have loved Delhi”

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15:12 NIV)

▲Reference : CIA

》 Region Profile

Continent | Southern Asia
Population | 32 million
Area | 1,484 km²
People Groups | Total 769 groups (Jat: 11%/ Brahmin: 6.9%/ Rajput: 6.8%/ Shaikh: 6.6%/ Arora: 6.4%/ Chamar: 5.3%)
People Groups Unreached | 711 groups
Offical Language(s) | Hindi, English
Religion | Christianity 0.7%/ Hinduism 82.4%/ Islam 12.1%/ Sikhism 3.2%/ Others 1.4%

》 About Delhi

Delhi, India, flourished as the capital of the Muslim Mughal Empire in the 17th and 18th centuries. The British, who had ruled India since 1912, moved the capital from Calcutta on the east coast to Delhi in 1931. Over the next 20 years, Delhi was built up as a large metropolitan area and city in northern India. During this time, the New Delhi area was created, and Delhi and the surrounding areas are considered the National Capital Region of India. It is the center of politics, business, industry, culture and media, with large communities of almost every race and caste in India. Delhi is considered the trendsetter of India.
Delhi’s pollution is so bad that its air quality is among the worst in the world, more than three times the standard. Schools are closed and flights canceled when levels are particularly high. The Yamuna River, which runs through Delhi, is covered in white foam from untreated domestic sewage, factory waste paper, and filth. Many people have fallen ill and died as a result of the pollution. 

Delhi’s economy is the largest commercial city in northern India. Delhi attracts multinational companies because of its skilled, English-speaking work force. The city’s major service industries include information technology, tele-communications, hotels, banking, media, and tourism. 
Delhi’s GDP per capita is approximately $7,500.

》 Scripture Focus

John 15:7-14(NIV)
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
14 You are my friends if you do what I command.

》 Prayer Points

1. Delhi’s role as capital and center of power and finance makes it a huge influence over the entire nation. Many nationwide Christian organizations make their headquarters here. Major Christian growth in Delhi, or even revival of the Church in Delhi, would in turn affect the rest of India. However, Christians in Delhi are 0.7%, which is less than 300,000 people. 
Let us pray that the churches in Delhi will remain in the Lord and be filled with His Word, leading to unity among them. Let us pray that churches of Delhi remain in Jesus’ love and ask for anything according to His will. Let us pray that the churches in Delhi love others as Jesus loved them, so that they may preach the gospel with all their hearts.

2. Delhi’s massive population growth – spurred by immigration and rapid urbanization – has fuelled a serious crisis. The large majority of new arrivals end up living in illegal squatter colonies without legal status. These colonies grow into slums, most lacking water, electricity, sewage disposa. No political leaders, social activists, or religious figures have been able to provide effective solutions for these people so far. However, we should be thankful that Christian mission organizations and churches, despite facing numerous threats and challenges, continue to offer relief and spread the gospel without rest. GFA (Gospel For Asia and Africa) World and other mission communities are successfully ministering to them.
Let us pray that the churches in Delhi will follow the teaching that ‘there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend,’ and serve their neighbors in crisis with the love of the Lord.

3. In Delhi, there are 31,000 Christians among the Chamar community, 20,000 among the Balmiki community, and believers from over 40 other ethnic groups. Among Hindu communities, the gospel needs to reach 2 million Jats, 1.4 million Brahmins, 1.3 million Rajputs, and 1 million Aroras. Among Muslim communities, the gospel is being shared with 1.5 million Shaikhs, 170,000 Pashtuns, 150,000 Sayyids, and 100,000 Mughals, with significant progress among Ansari Muslims. Additionally, there is a need for churches to rise up to evangelize the Sikh Jats (310,000) and Rajputs (45,000). IET(India Evangelical Team) has established dozens of churches among 10 different ethnic groups. 
Let us pray that these churches remain committed and spread the gospel to unreached people groups, bearing much fruit and giving glory to God. Let us pray that the ethnic groups in Delhi will be restored to their true identity as God’s children, remaining in His love as He commands, and that their lives will be filled with joy.

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