“Malaysia, be reconciled to God through the cross!”
and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility (Ephesians 2:16,NIV).

》 Country Profile
Continent | Southeast Asia
Population | 34.21 million
Area | 329,847㎢ Consists of West Malaysia (PM) Peninsula of the Malay Peninsula and East Malaysia (EM) on the northern 1/3 of Borneo Island.
Capital City | Kuala Lumpur (8.42 million people)
People Groups | Total 182 groups Bumiputra ethnic groups 63.8% (Malay 52.8%, indigenous 11%), Chinese 20.6%, Indian 6% (Tamil 5.8%), others 0.6%, immigrants (non-citizens) 9%
People Groups Unreached | 77 groups (50.2% of the population)
Languages | Malay, English
Total Languages | 44
Bible Translations | Completed 12, New Testament 13, Partial 6
Religion | Christianity: 4.2% (Protestant 1%, Catholic 1.6%, Unregistered 1.5%, Evangelical Christians: 0.7%) / Islam: 88.3% / Ethnic Religions: 7.5%
》 About Malaysia
Malaysia was introduced to Islam in the 14th century by Arab traders. In 1405, the Sultanate of Malacca, founded by a descendant of the Kingdom of Temasek, became a powerful kingdom, controlling parts of eastern Sumatra. However, in 1511, the kingdom fell to the Portuguese. Later, in 1641, the Dutch took over Malacca, and by 1786, the British began ruling the entire country, starting with Penang. During the early 20th century, the British brought in Chinese and Indian workers to develop the rubber and tin industries.
After gaining independence in 1957, Malaysia faced challenges like communist uprisings, conflicts with Indonesia, and territorial disputes with the Philippines over Sabah. In 1965, Singapore separated from Malaysia to become an independent nation. To protect the rights of native Muslims, the government introduced the “Bumiputera Policy,” which provided special privileges to native Malays in all sectors of society. However, this led to discrimination against minority groups, including indigenous peoples.
Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy, with nine Malay states ruled by Sultans. Every five years, one of these Sultans becomes the King. Since 2019, the King has been Abdullah of Pahang, and Anwar Ibrahim has been the Prime Minister since 2022.
Malaysia’s economy is based on the production and export of tin, palm oil, and petroleum. Its industrial base includes manufacturing and tourism. However, since 2015, the economy has faced challenges due to falling oil prices, a drop in currency value, and a major government corruption scandal involving a state investment fund. The global decrease in demand, influenced by the U.S.-China trade war, and the COVID-19 pandemic further slowed economic growth.
Despite these issues, Malaysia continues to rely on its rich natural resources and has resumed major infrastructure projects. The government is also increasing support for the automotive industry and fields related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (like technology and innovation). Malaysia’s GDP per capita is approximately $12,000.
》 Scripture Focus
Ephesians 2:14-20 (NIV) 14. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15. by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, 16. and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. 19. Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, 20. built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. |
》 Prayer Points
1. Malaysia is located along the strategic Strait of Malacca, which has historically made it a target for foreign invasions. Over the years, the country has been occupied by the Portuguese, Dutch, British, and Japanese, and was later reclaimed by the British. These foreign invasions shaped the nation’s ethnic and cultural composition. Today, ethnic division and conflicts persist, especially due to the Bumiputra policy, which favors ethnic Malays and sparks debate over racial discrimination.
Let us pray that the people of Malaysia will come to understand the truth of the gospel. May they experience the grace of being united with God through the cross, and may they repent, turn to Christ, and become messengers of peace.
2. In East Malaysia, the gospel has reached about 42% of the population in Sarawak and 26.6% in Sabah, mainly among Chinese and indigenous groups. However, Muslim officials have been actively promoting Islam in these areas, leading some Christians to convert back to Islam. Many churches here struggle with materialism, nominal faith, and syncretism with animism.
Pray that God will bring transformation through the gospel and prayer. Also, pray for more godly leaders to serve the church, disciple believers, and strengthen their faith. May these churches be restored and built on the foundation of truth, as preached by the apostles and prophets.
3. More than half of Malaysia’s population is made up of youth, many of whom are vulnerable to crime, gambling, drug addiction, and sexual immorality. Ministries like Navigators, Campus Crusade for Christ (CCCI), and Youth for Christ (YFC) are actively praying and spreading the gospel in middle schools, high schools, and universities.
Youth are often more focused on getting good jobs, improving their standard of living, educating their children, buying homes, and maintaining health rather than on ethnic or religious issues. However, more than 60,000 youth are committed to Islamic political groups like ABIM (Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement). Pray for the protection of Malaysian youth from the materialistic temptations of extreme Islamic groups. Pray that the precious gospel of the cross, more valuable than gold, will be shared with Malaysia’s youth.
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