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June 30th

“I will cause breath to enter you, and you will live!”

(Ezekiel 37:5,NIV)


▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent | Africa
Population | 310,000
Area | 373㎢, French overseas department located at the northern end of the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean.
Capital City | Mamoudzou (68,000)
People Groups | Total 8 groups, Maore 66.8%, Bushi 25.8%, Swahili 3.3%, Macau 1%
People Groups Unreached | 6 groups (98.5% of the population)
Offical Language(s) | Comorian, Bushi, French
Total Languages | 8
Bible Translations | Completed 3, New Testament 3
Religion | Christianity 1.6% (Protestant 0.2%, Catholic 1.2%), Islam 97.6%, Ethnic religions 0.4% Evangelical 0.1% (300 people)

》 About Mayotte

Mayotte was occupied by France in 1843, and while the other Comoros islands gained independence in 1975, Mayotte remained a French overseas territory according to the will of its residents. In 2009, a referendum was held in which 95.2% of voters supported upgrading Mayotte to a French administrative region, but Comoros opposed the move, leading to a territorial dispute. However, in 2011, another public vote overwhelmingly confirmed the citizens’ desire to officially integrate Mayotte into France, and it was incorporated as a French administrative department.

Mayotte’s economy is stronger than that of its neighboring countries due to French financial aid. The residents mainly engage in subsistence fishing and agriculture, but they rely heavily on imports for food and daily necessities, including staples such as rice, potatoes, corn, fish, coconuts, and bananas. The island faces serious challenges with overpopulation and illegal immigration, which have worsened economic and social issues. Mayotte’s GDP per capita is approximately $10,891.

》 Scripture Focus

Ezekiel 37:1-6(NIV)
1 The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones.
2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry.
3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said, “Sovereign LORD, you alone know.”
4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!
5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.
6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’”

》 Prayer Points

1. Mayotte means “Land of the Dead,” and 97% of the population is Sunni Muslim. Although mosque attendance is low, Maore Islam, the indigenous form of Islam in Mayotte, is deeply rooted in magic and sorcery rituals. While religious freedom allows for open gospel preaching, the Assemblies of God (AoG) has long been evangelizing with little fruit, as few converts remain in the faith, with many returning to Islam. French influence has made students and young people more open, but children who show interest in the gospel often face punishment. Let us proclaim the name of the LORD over this land, praying that He will breathe life into this land and awaken hearts to the gospel.

2. The people of Mayotte rely on economic aid from France and the EU, leading to spiritual complacency. Let us pray that the LORD will fill them with a deep spiritual thirst, so they will desperately seek the gospel. Pray that the three Protestant denominations will unite and boldly proclaim the gospel in a way that speaks to this nation, so that Muslims will turn to the LORD and Mayotte will become a land of life. May the LORD raise up more missionaries fluent in French and strengthen mission organizations to actively work to transform this land of death into a land of life.


▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent | Africa
Population | 870,000
Area | 373㎢, 2,235㎢ consists of three main islands in the Indian Ocean: Grande Comore (Ngazidja), Anjouan (Ndzwani), and Mohéli (Mwali)
Capital City | Moroni (60,000)
People Groups | Total 13 groups,Comorians 94.8% (Ngazidja, Nzwani, Mwali), Makuwa 3.2%, French 0.2%
People Groups Unreached | 8 groups (97.8% of the population)
Offical Language(s) | Arabic, Comorian, French
Total Languages | 13
Bible Translations | Completed 5, New Testament 2, Partial 4
Religion | Christianity 1.8% (Independent church 0.5%, Catholic 0.3%), Islam 97.5%, Ethnic religions 0.7% Evangelicals 0.7% (6,000 people)

》 About Comoros

Comoros was established as an Islamic kingdom by immigrants from Africa, Indonesia, and Arabia. European navigators began stopping at the islands in the 16th century, and France occupied Comoros in 1843. After becoming a French overseas territory in 1958, Comoros declared independence in 1975, except for Mayotte, which chose to remain under French rule. Since independence, the country has experienced around 20 coups and attempted coups. In 1978, a coup supported by French mercenaries overthrew the leftist regime, bringing President Ahmed Abdallah to power. He introduced a new constitution, declaring Comoros the Federal Islamic Republic. However, Abdallah was assassinated in 1989, and the country fell into further political instability due to continued coups. In 1997, Moheli and Anjouan declared independence from Comoros, but in 2001, a national vote transformed Comoros into a federation, granting each island a degree of autonomy. In 1999, Azali Assoumani took power in a bloodless coup, later amending the constitution to extend his presidency across multiple terms. He stepped down in 2006 and was succeeded by Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi, the first president from Anjouan Island. Today, Comoros is a federal presidential republic, with Azali Assoumani re-elected in 2016 and 2019, and currently serving as president.

Comoros’ economy remains underdeveloped due to geographical limitations, overpopulation, lack of infrastructure, and scarce natural resources and farmland. Poverty is widespread, and most of the population is engaged in agriculture. The country’s exports rely heavily on three major crops: vanilla, cloves, and ylang-ylang (used in perfume production), but these industries are easily disrupted by natural disasters, such as fires and extreme weather conditions. Rice and other dried vegetables make up more than 25% of imports, and the country is heavily dependent on foreign aid for food security. Additionally, remittances from around 300,000 Comorians living abroad account for about 25% of the country’s GDP.

Comoros’s GDP per capita is approximately $3,100.

》 Prayer Points

1. Comoros has been an Islamic nation for centuries, and although it was once a French colony, the spread of the gospel has remained minimal. Islamic fundamentalism has grown, yet many people remain deeply involved in witchcraft, curses, spirit possession, and cultic rituals. The identity of being Muslim is deeply ingrained in Comorian society, making conversion illegal and evangelism strictly prohibited. Those who turn to Christianity face severe retaliation and persecution from their families and communities. Christians make up about 1.8% of the population, mostly Réunionese, Malagasy, and French, but we give thanks that the number of Comorian believers is steadily increasing. Although there are no churches on the three islands, there are believers who secretly gather to worship.

Let us declare in faith that even though Comoros seems spiritually dead like dry bones, the power of GOD can bring salvation and revival when He speaks. Let us pray for the thousands of hidden believers, that they will stand strong in their faith despite persecution and retaliation, that they will be protected and encouraged, and that they will boldly testify to the gospel.

2. Comoros was once one of the most severe Christian persecution nations, but since 2010, the level of extreme persecution has eased. Converting to Christianity remains illegal, as does missionary work, yet Christian medical professionals and veterinarians have gained respect through their humanitarian service, opening doors for witnessing the gospel. Let us pray that this ministry will bear even greater fruit. Many young people in Comoros are disillusioned with their society, seeing no hope in Islam, and falling into drug addiction, sexual immorality, and a deep desire to leave the islands.

Let us pray that GOD will send workers to this land. May missionaries and hidden believers proclaim to the youth and thes next generation of Comoros the life-giving Word of the LORD. The New Testament has not yet been fully translated into Comorian, and with high illiteracy rates, Christian radio broadcasts and audio Bibles are highly effective tools for evangelism. Let us pray that GOD’s Word will be heard in every possible way, leading many to receive salvation and eternal life.

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