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Saint Lucia / Puerto Rico
April 11th

“The LORD God has revealed His plan to Saint Lucia and Puerto Rico and has done it!”

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.(Amos 3:7,NIV)

▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent | America
Population | 167,000
Area | 616㎢ Located between Martinique and St. Vincent in the Windward Islands of the Caribbean.
Capital | Castries (22,000)
People Groups | Total 5 groups, African Caribbean 95%, East Indian 3%, British 1% People Groups Unreached | 0
Official Language(s) | English, Creole French
All languages ​​| 5
Bible translations | Completed 3, New Testament 1
Religion | Christian 94.9% (Protestant 38%, Catholic 52.9%), Ethnic religion 1.9%, Non-religious 1.4% Evangelical 18.3% 30,000 people

》 About Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia was discovered by Columbus in 1502. In 1605 and 1638, the British tried to settle on the island but failed due to resistance from the native people, who fought against British and French efforts to colonize their land. In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the British, French, Dutch, and Spanish clashed over control of Saint Lucia. The warfare between the British and French was particularly severe, causing the island to change hands 14 times before Britain finally took control in 1814. After 150 years under British rule, Saint Lucia gained self-governance in 1967 and became fully independent in 1979. Today, it is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system; the British king serves as the head of state, while the Prime Minister, currently Philip Pierre (since 2021), leads the government.

The economy of Saint Lucia relies on tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing, with recent growth in construction as well. Tourism has become the fastest-growing sector, helping reduce trade deficits and providing 65% of the country’s foreign income. Crops such as bananas, mangos, and avocados are still grown for export. However, Saint Lucia’s economy faces challenges from unstable tourism income, natural disasters, and reliance on imported oil. High public wages and low productivity are also ongoing issues. Saint Lucia’s GDP per capita is approximately $12,300

》 Scripture Focus

Amos 3:1-8(NIV)
1 Hear this word, people of Israel, the word the LORD has spoken against you—against the whole family I brought up out of Egypt:
2 “You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins.”
3 Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
4 Does a lion roar in the thicket when it has no prey? Does it growl in its den when it has caught nothing?
5 Does a bird swoop down to a trap on the ground when no bait is there?
Does a trap spring up from the ground if it has not caught anything?
6 When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?
7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
8 The lion has roared—who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken—who can but prophesy?

》 Prayer Points

1. In St Lucia, many Christians practice a more nominal faith, which is in steady decline. As materialism grows, so does the rise of non-religious beliefs and traditional tribal religions. The island has about 100 churches with about 100 pastors, but most have other jobs and have difficulty devoting themselves fully to ministry. Many islanders grow marijuana illegally to escape poverty. In addition, a high percentage of children are born out of wedlock and 45% of households are headed by single mothers. Despite these challenges, the number of evangelical believers is growing. The Fellowship of Gospel Preaching Churches is working and praying to bring unity to divided churches, which is a cause for gratitude. For young people, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) ministers to students, and the Christian Literature Crusade (CLC) runs a Christian bookshop in the capital, Castries. Pray that church members will repent of worldly and materialistic pursuits and come to truly believe in the God who gave us the Gospel through the cross.

Puerto Rico

》 Country Profile

Continent | America
Population | 3.1 million
Area | 9,104㎢ Located in the Caribbean between the Dominican Republic and the Virgin Islands in the Greater Antilles.
Capital | San Juan (2.44 million)
People Groups | Total 14 groups, Puerto Ricans (white) 73%, African Puerto Ricans 12%, mixed-race Puerto Ricans 10.8%, Americans 2.2%
People Groups Unreached | 1 (Jewish 1,500 people)
Official Language(s) | Spanish, English
All languages ​​| 7
Bible translations | Completed 6
Religion | Christian 94.5% (Protestant 14%, Catholic 65%), Non-religious 3.6%, Ethnic religion 1.7%, Hinduism 0.1% Evangelical 32.5% 1.01 million people

》 About Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico was discovered by Columbus in 1493 and then became a Spanish colony for nearly 400 years. In 1898, after the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory, starting under U.S. military rule. By 1917, it became a U.S. territory with limited self-governance, and in 1952, it adopted its own constitution, giving it more control over local matters while the U.S. retained authority over defense, foreign policy, and currency. Residents of Puerto Rico are granted basic rights under the U.S. Constitution and receive U.S. citizenship after birth. The head of state is the U.S. President, while the governor, Pedro Pierluisi, has served a four-year term since 2021.

Puerto Rico’s economic struggles began around 2005, leading many residents to move to the U.S. mainland, a trend that has sped up since 2010. The economy is now largely based on industry, which has surpassed agriculture, while tourism also plays a major role. In 2017, Hurricane Maria struck the island, causing power outages across 90% of the territory and leaving widespread damage to homes, infrastructure, and clean water sources. Youth unemployment is also high, at 26% of the young adult popluation. Puerto Rico’s GDP per capita is approximately $33,400

》 Prayer Points

1. Let’s give thanks that the number of Evangelicals in Puerto Rico is steadily growing with Reformed theology gaining strength and charismatic churches also expanding. The Catholic Church, making up 65% of the population, has lost vitality and is more tradition-based. Despite being a Christian nation, Puerto Rico still struggles with high rates of drug addiction, corruption, crime, and poverty, with 61% of low-income households led by single women. Let us pray that the church will teach the Gospel and make disciples, bringing change to families and society. May Puerto Rico walk closely with the Lord, united in spirit, following the scripture: “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?”

2. Ministries like YWAM, OM, and the Wycliffe Bible Translators are active in Puerto Rico, while the Latin American Missions Network (RECOMI/COMIBAM) is working with various mission groups to build a network for global evangelism. Let’s thank God for the growing number of churches catching a vision for missions in Spain. Many Puerto Ricans have also moved to the U.S., forming large communities in Florida, New England, and Chicago. Pray that churches and missions will rise to share the Gospel and provide training to these communities. Let us pray that Puerto Ricans would receive salvation through the cross, align their hearts with God’s mission, and share in His glory through obedience.

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