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South Korea 2
March 7th

“South Korea lives by faith in the Son of God!”

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20,NIV).

▲Reference : CIA

》 Country Profile

Continent | East Asia
Population | 51 million
Area | 99,720㎢ A country on the East Asian peninsula, located between China and Japan.
Capital City | Seoul (9.97 million)
People Groups | Total 23 groups, Korean 96%, Chinese 2%, other 2%
Groups Unreached | 11 groups (0.9% of the population)
Official Language(s) | Korean
Total Languages | 19
Bible Translations | Completed 17, Partial 1 
Religion | Christianity 30.1% (Protestant 19.8%, Catholic 9%), Non-religious 31.5%, Buddhism 23.8%, Ethnic religion 9.8%, Other 4.3%, Evangelical 16.4% 8.46 million people    

》 About South Korea

The history of Christianity in Korea began with the introduction of Catholicism in the late 18th century. The faith spread when Yi Seung-hun was baptized in China in 1784 and brought the gospel back to Korea. However, during the late Joseon Dynasty, Catholicism, known as Seohak (Western Learning), faced severe persecution. Despite this, the church continued to grow as believers remained steadfast in their faith. In 1836, French missionaries arrived in Korea, marking the beginning of full-scale missionary work. Even in the face of intense persecution, including the Byeong-in Persecution of 1866, Catholicism took root in Korean society. Protestantism was introduced in the late 19th century. In 1884, American missionary Dr. Horace Allen initiated medical missions, opening the door for Protestant Christianity. Shortly after, missionaries Horace Underwood and Henry Appenzeller officially began spreading the gospel in 1885. Protestant missionaries established schools and hospitals, using education and healthcare to share the gospel. They also contributed to the translation of the Bible into Korean and the founding of theological seminaries, enabling the systematic spread of Christian faith. The Pyongyang Great Revival of 1907 sparked rapid church growth, and during the Japanese occupation, the Korean church played an active role in the independence and national movements. Following Korea’s liberation in 1945, the church experienced tremendous growth, establishing itself as a global missionary powerhouse. In the latter half of the 20th century, large megachurches emerged, and Korean missionaries were sent abroad in significant numbers, contributing to world evangelization. Today, Korea remains one of the countries in Asia with a large Christian population, and its churches are actively engaged in various social and missionary efforts. However, modern challenges such as rapid secularization, corruption within the church, and the departure of younger generations from the faith have emerged as pressing concerns.

South Korea’s economy has become one of the most notable success stories of the 20th century, transforming into a global leader in advanced technology within a few decades. Although growth slowed in the 1990s, South Korea’s economy grew significantly enough to join the ranks of OECD advanced countries in 1996. The Asian financial crisis hit Korea hard in 1997 and 1998 due to its heavy reliance on short-term loans. However, through measures like restructuring large corporations, increasing labor market flexibility, encouraging foreign investment, and expanding imports, South Korea managed to recover relatively quickly. The country continues to face socio-economic challenges such as rapid aging, a rigid labor market, high youth unemployment, low labor productivity, and ongoing corruption issues. South Korea’s GDP per capita is approximately $35,004.

》 Scripture Focus

Galatians 2:16-21(NIV)
16. [We Jews] know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified.
17. “If, while we seek to be justified in Christ, it becomes evident that we ourselves are sinners, does that mean that Christ promotes sin? Absolutely not!
18. If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker.
19. For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God.
20. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

》 Prayer Points

1. Let us give thanks to the LORD for bringing the gospel to Korea through missionaries and for the great revival that followed in what was once a spiritually desolate land. Korean Protestantism experienced remarkable numerical growth, reaching 60,000 churches, 150,000 clergy, and 10 million believers. However, as of 2022, the number of Protestants has declined to 7.74 million, and over 10,000 churches have closed since the COVID-19 pandemic. The Korean church has struggled to maintain a life of holiness and humble discipleship. Many churches have become entangled in materialism, prosperity theology, and institutional power struggles. Spiritual pride has led to divisions, resulting in numerous denominations and factions. Meanwhile, heretical sects have grown significantly, and corruption, financial scandals, and sexual misconduct within traditional churches have caused the public to lose trust in Christianity.
Let us pray for the Korean church to repent of its misguided pursuit of righteousness through empty traditions instead of following the way of the cross. May believers die to themselves and allow Christ to live in them, embracing the righteousness of the gospel. Let us pray that churches will fully submit to the Holy Spirit and the Word, walking in faithful obedience.

2. Many Koreans hold a worldview deeply influenced by Buddhism, Confucianism, and shamanism, leading to a syncretistic faith that blends Christian doctrines with traditional religious practices. Let us pray that Christians will not fall into the deception of rebuilding what they once forsook, but instead, will be justified by faith in Christ alone, not by works of the law. There are still countless lost souls in Korea who have not accepted the gospel. Let us pray for the powerful spread of the gospel, especially among children and young people, so that they may come to salvation and be equipped through prayer and discipleship as a new generation of revival. Additionally, over 2.5 million migrant workers and refugees now reside in Korea, and their numbers continue to grow. Some churches and mission organizations are dedicated to serving these communities, bearing spiritual fruit through their outreach.
Let us pray that Korea will not take the grace of the gospel in vain but will become a nation that faithfully fulfills its mission by sending and supporting missionaries worldwide.

3. More than 3,000 foreign missionaries came to Korea and served humbly, many laying down their lives as martyrs due to disease and hardship. Some of their children followed in their footsteps, continuing their parents’ missionary work. The Korean church received unconditional love from these missionaries, and their legacy remains strong. From the early 20th century, Korean Christians responded to the call of missions, with pioneers like Yi Gi-pung, who became the first missionary to Jeju Island in 1908. As of 2023, Korea has sent 21,917 missionaries to 174 countries. However, the aging missionary population presents a challenge, as the number of missionaries in their 50s and 60s continues to rise while the percentage of younger missionaries in their 20s and 30s remains low. The number of newly dispatched missionaries has also declined significantly. The Korean diaspora now exceeds 7.5 million people worldwide, with a significant concentration in the United States. Approximately 70% of these Korean expatriates identify as Christians, and many are actively involved in supporting and sending missionaries.
Let us pray that the Korean church and the global Korean Christian community will be captivated by the living hope of “the revival of God’s kingdom and the fulfillment of His mission.” May they become holy vessels preparing the way for the return of the LORD, carrying the light of the gospel to the nations.

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