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프랑스(France) 1

“물이 바다를 덮음 같이 여호와를 아는 지식이 프랑스에 충만할 것이라!(이사야 11:9)” 》 기본정보 대륙|유럽인구|6천900만 명면적|549,970㎢(한국의 5.5배) 서유럽의 북대서양 연안에 위치.수도|파리(1천114만 명)주요종족|전체 113개 유럽인 83.5%(프랑스인 71.2%, 프로방스인 4.6%), 북아프리카인/중동인 9.2%, 아프리카인/카리브해인 4.0%, 아시아인 2.0% 미전도종족 37개(인구의 6.5%)공용어|프랑스어전체언어|90개 성경번역|전부 57, 신약 18, 부분 15종교|기독교 52%(개신교 2%, 가톨릭 50%), 무종교 40%, 이슬람교 8.6%, 유대교 1%, 기타 1% 복음주의 […]

[Eritrea] Pastors Who Have Been Jailed for 20 Years, and Their Faith and Persecutions

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” Three pastors have been imprisoned for 20 years for not following the traditional practices of Eritrea’s Orthodox Church, Mission Network recently reported. They were detained without an arrest warrant and are some of the hundreds of Christians who were denied even the right […]

[Vietnam] Addicts Recovering Through a Christian Rehabilitation Centre

“The sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.” Hung Quang Pham, who was expelled from a rehabilitation centre run by the Vietnamese government in 2013, had given up his life when he couldn’t find treatment any longer. However, with the help of his Christian friends, he was admitted to a rehabilitation centre […]

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인도(India) 2
W_0122 P튀르키예
[튀르키예] 스키장 호텔 화재로 66명 사망, 51명 부상