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[Eng. Prayer] Canadian pastor arrested for ‘illegal worship’ as he returns home.

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“Blessed are for those who are persecuted for the righteousness.”

[Oct.14.2021]Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who was arrested on an airport runway in Canada on charges of illegal worship, warned that the next target of persecution would be Americans.

According to the American Christian Post (CP), Pastor Artur Pawlowski was arrested by the customs officials on the tarmac at the airport as he returned home from his United States tour with pending warrants of two criminal charges.

The first criminal charge was levied against him for failing to wear a mask in public, and the second was for organisng an illegal church gathering.

The court hearing on the 13th of this month will decide whether or not to sentence Pawlowski to 21 days in prison in connection with the conduct of the worship service.

Pawlowski faces a court date on Oct. 13 regarding separate civil charges against him related to his church gatherings.

Born in Poland, Pastor Pawlowski grew up under a communist regime as a child, and now he has moved to Canada and is in charge of ‘Street Church’ and ‘Adullam Cave Church’ in Calgary, Alberta.

In a recent interview with Fox News, he said, “If they came to me, they would come to you too.” “What they (Canadian authorities) do today is the same thing I remember (about communist Poland) when I was young.”, he criticised.

In May, the Calgary Police Department arrested Pastor Pawlowski and his brother on charges of illegal worship.

The police dispatched five vehicles, and the two refused to be arrested while kneeling in the street. At the time, the pastor protested by saying, “You should be ashamed. This is not communist China. What happened to Canada, our land that God protects with glory and freedom?”

The video of Pawlowski’s confrontation with the police has garnered millions of views since it was posted on YouTube. “I was handcuffed like a terrorist, a criminal,” he said.

What they were trying to say to the world was, “Do you see how we treat those who oppose our tyranny? If you copy them, you are next.”, Pawlowski acclaimed.

In an interview with the CP in June, he also said that police frequently monitored the church to follow coronavirus health guidelines and social distancing.

Pawlowski said the police break-in was inappropriate because his church was broadcasting live stream worship services online.

Regarding the successive bans on worship by the law enforcement authorities, he said, “Islamic mosques were fully (normally) operational. “No one harassed or disturbed them,” he said. “Not a single imam was harassed or threatened. And to this day, no imam or Muslim has received a penalty notice.”

Pawlowski posted a video on his YouTube channel where thousands of Muslims gathered on the last day of Ramadan. He estimated this number to be “more than two thousand.”

In March of last year, law enforcement officials notified his church serving the homeless and needy in Calgary to close the church and stop the street ministry. In response, Poloski asked the city of Alberta for an exemption from COVID-19 regulations, but the city government refused. (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive).

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for, in the same way, they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)

God, please end the injustice in Canada, where the government authorities have unreasonably arrested Pastor Pawlowski on charges of illegal gatherings during the Covid restriction periods. We pray that the freedom of congregational worship will not be deprived in Canada due to pandemics or any other reason. May You guide the thoughts and manners of the government and the police in Canada to act justly without discrimination. Lord, may You awake the churches in Canada to pray fervently for the justice and righteousness of the nations. May they rejoice in the hope that the true reward will come from You for those persecuted for Your Kingdom.

Prayer 24·365

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