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[Eng. Prayer] Africa “Coup d’état virus’ hit Africa…more failures than successes.”

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“He is the Maker of heaven and earth, and he sets prisoners free.”

[Nov.03. 2021] Although the ‘coup d’état virus’ has hit Africa until the recent military coup in Sudan,there have been more failures than successes in past African coups.

The South African daily ‘The Star’ reported the news on the 29th (local time), quoting the results of a study.

Initially, the coup d’état took place in many regions of Africa. According to one study, sub-Saharan Africa experienced 80 successful coups and 108 failed coup attempts between 1956 and 2001.

One of the reasons for the re-emergence of the coup d’état is that implementing democracy in Africa has largely been poorly executed. Several African countries have embraced democracy in theory, but in practice, most are only half-democratic.

It is because democratic principles such as freedom of speech, human rights, and free and transparent elections are not yet adequately observed.

According to E-International Relations, a website specializing in international relations, democratic progress in Africa is far beyond reality.

Although some new phases are developing in the right direction, a more accurate picture of democracy within the continent is ‘one step forward followed by two-step back.’

Before the military coup in Sudan in North Africa on October 25th, a military coup took place in Guinea, West Africa, on September 5th.

Lieutenant colonel Mamady Dumbuya, who led Guinea’s coup, initiated his presidential role on October 1st despite the international community’s condemnation.

Dumbuya, 41, is the second-youngest leader in Africa after Mali coup leader Asima Koita (38).

Assimi Goita, the Malian colonel who has overthrown two presidents in the past nine months, became Mali’s president.

Colonel Koita led a series of coup d’états over the past year to overthrow the two presidents and took over the position by himself in June.

In Chad, after the death of President Idriss Devy on April 20th, his son, Lieutenant General Mahamat Idriss Devy was succeeded by a transitional military commission. However, the opposition party criticised the appointment by the military as an “institutional coup” (source: Yonhap News).

He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free. (Psalms 146:6-7)

God, may You help the leaders in Africa realise that attempting changes through the coup can not truly satisfy them or fill the emptiness in their hearts. Help them acknowledge You as the creator of heaven and earth that they no longer trust in their own strength and wisdom. May the remnant churches proclaim the gospel in Africa, that the nations and the people will be transformed and serve You joyfully.

Prayer 24·365

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