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[Eng. Prayer] Usher in Gospel Revival in Africa through the ‘Jola Bible’

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.”

[Feb.17.2022] The Korean Bible Society announced that they held a donation ceremony to send the ‘Jola Bible’ to Gambia with the support of Jeomchon Jeil Church(President: Rev. Kye Seong-in).

At the donation ceremony held at the Bible Business Center of the Korean Bible Society in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, on January 25, Pastor Seongin Kye said, “It is a miracle and a very touching thing to have both the Old and New Testaments translated in Jola and published together here. I hope that the Gambia will bring a wave of the gospel revival in Africa,” he said.

Gambia is a Christian barren country with around 90% of its 2.5 million population practicing Islam. The nation supports Islam, and the problems of illiteracy and poverty are making it more difficult to spread the gospel. Among them, the Jola tribe, a particular minority tribe, has a language but no written script, so the illiteracy rate reaches 75%.

The Joly language bible was translated by missionary Mi-ran Shim and the team with the support of Jeomchon Jeil Church. The Jola language is the language of 180,000 people in Gambia. The translated Jola Bible and various other materials will be a channel of joy for the Jola tribe to learn to read and accept the Gospel.

The Hanseong Book Society said, “People who have lived in Islamic culture came to know Jesus through the Bible. I hope that the Jola language bible will be used as a token to spread the good news(source: igoodnews).

“Then he said: ‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard. And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptised and wash your sins away, calling on his name.”(Acts 22:14-16)

God, thank You for Your zeal for the Jola people of Gambia that You have blessed them to have the Bible in their language through the support of the Korean Church. May You bless the Jola people with Your wisdom and the knowledge that they may read the Bible and accept Jesus as their Saviour. May they rise up as the witnesses of the gospel that many people in Gambia and in Africa will come to know Jesus and experience the gospel revival.

Prayer 24·365

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