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[Eng. Prayer] China is working on a communist version of the Bible… ‘Serious’ Distortion of truth

“The LORD foils the plans of the nations”

[Feb.23.2022] There are concerns that the Chinese government is making a communist version of the Bible.

According to Christian Headlines, the voice of the martyrs(VOM), a Christian persecution watchdog group, said, “the new translation of the Bible will contain content supporting the Communist Party.”

In a recent Facebook post, VOM pointed out that “the Chinese Bible revision will add ‘core socialist values’ and remove verses that do not reflect communist beliefs.” “The Bible will also contain various principles, including Confucianism and Buddhism.”

An example of this change was revealed in a high school textbook published last September.

VOM explained the content, saying, “The Chinese Communist Party revised several passages in John 8 and published them in the textbook.”

According to the original Bible, the Pharisees cry out that a woman caught in adultery should be stoned, but Jesus Christ forgives a woman who committed adultery, saying, “Whoever is without sin, let him first throw a stone at her.”

However, this textbook contained content that Jesus Christ considered the woman as a sinner and stoned the adulterous woman. The Chinese government interpreted the Bible from a different perspective and distorted the truth.

“Shockingly, reinterpreted passages of the Bible undermine the divinity of Jesus,” Nettleton said. “The purpose of these revisions is to show the CCP’s attempts to reduce the influence of Christianity on some citizens.”

“The Chinese Communist Party views the Christian message as a threat taking away its control and the new socialist Bible translation is intended to be embraced by the CCP as means of helping the Chinese Communist Party control the church, control the people, and help them serve the interests of the party”, he said.

Meanwhile, according to VOM, the Chinese government continues to try to crack down on the Christian faith. Pictures of Jesus in churches were replaced by the pictures of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Christian hymns were replaced with the Communist Party national anthem.(Source: Daily Good News)

The LORD foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.(Psalm 33:10-11)

God, may You frustrate the Chinese government’s plan of creating a bible that supports communism, distorts the truth, and weakens the influence of Christianity. May You cause them to realize what they are doing is a sin against God and turn around, and may You protect the next generation on this land otherwise who will be educated in lies. Also, pray that the church would stand firm in the face of persecution and oppression from the authorities, holding fast on to Your word and standing as the channel for the fulfillment of Your eternal plan.

Prayer 24·365

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