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[Eng. Prayer] American public school provides a “Transition Closet” to students to change outfits fitting to their preferred gender during school hours

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“We cannot do anything against the truth.”

[Mar.02.2022] A California public high school has started a “Transition Closet” to help teenagers hide their gender experimentation efforts from their parents.

According to the CBN news, Fremont High School in Oakland has reportedly started a new chapter of “The Transition Closet” at the school. The school provides clothes for transgender, non-binary, and gender exploring youth, so they can change into outfits that match their preferred gender identity.

The idea was first launched at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at Fayetteville, Arkansas, and was designed to “help trans-identified youth circumvent their parents and to trans their sex without their parent’s knowledge.” This church supports LGBTQ+ and organized a queer camp last year for transgender youth and their families.

The church added that they will hold Transition Closet(s) and services throughout the school districts for students of the Trans/Nonbinary/Intersex and LGBTQIA+ in the near future and that they need clothing donations to kick start the first School-Based Transition Closet.

Thomas Martin-Edwards, a Spanish teacher at the Oakland Unified School District and founder of the Queer Teacher Fellowship, explained, “The goal of the Transition Closet is for our students to come to school in the clothes that their parents approve of then change into the clothes that fit who they truly are and I love it.”

“And this idea is like Superman changing his outfits in a phone booth and allowing our trans students to be the superheroes that we know they are,” he said.

When the news became known, some expressed concerns for students and were angered at their education.

According to CBN News, Founder and President Randy Thomasson warned California parents to get their children out of public schools before it was too late.

“This shows how far government-controlled schools have fallen. Sexually-confused children are mentally molested all the more, while parents are kept in the dark.”

“There are only two sexes, male and female. You’re male if you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your biological father; if you haven’t, you’re female. Nothing can change this God-given fact of nature,” he said.

Meanwhile, the recent increase in education on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and LGBTQ ideology in public schools has contributed to the increase in the home-schooling rate across the United States from 5.4% in 2020 to 11% (Source: Daily Good News Comprehensive).

For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong, and our prayer is that you may be fully restored.(2 Corinthians 13:8-9)

God, please rebuke the rebellion of the church, which is taking the lead in the gender identity confusion of youth by installing a ‘Transition Closet’ in American public schools. We break Satan’s scheme in the name of Jesus that they may no longer deceive and mislead the students and the parents with the false doctrine of gender identity that contradicts God’s word. May the church faithfully follow Your Word and instructions, that they may repent and stop this project and teach the students to discern the truth.

Prayer 24·365

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