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[Eng. Prayer] WHO calls for full decriminalisation of abortion

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“To purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”

[Mar.17.2022] The 200-page “Abortion care guideline” was published on the 9th March(local time), calling for the complete decriminalisation of abortion worldwide.

According to the Christian Post(CP), the new document describes abortion as “lifesaving care” and says that women and girls should not be imprisoned for terminating their pregnancy. Nor should abortion providers be imprisoned, the guidance states.

“Being able to obtain a safe abortion is a crucial part of health care,” said Craig Lissner, acting Director for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at WHO.

The new guidelines criticise the government’s efforts to limit abortion.

“Abortion treatment should respect the decisions and needs of women and girls and ensure that they are treated with dignity, without stigma or condemnation,” said Dr. Bela Ganatra, WHO. She said, “We recommend women and girls needs to be able to access the quality abortion and family planning services when they need them.”

The guidance says that “Abortion should be fully decriminalised,” and that the governments should remove “barriers” to the “timely provision of quality abortion care”, such as “gestational age limits, mandatory waiting periods, third-party authorization requirements, and provider restrictions”.

Although abortion is currently legal in the United States, many states have enacted laws that the WHO classifies as “barriers” to access to abortion. In particular, Texas passed a so-called “heartbeat law” that bans abortion from the sixth week of pregnancy. This law has never been adjudicated at the state or federal level courts to date.

The U.S. Supreme Court will also decide whether Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban is unconstitutional. A ruling in favor of Mississippi’s ban on abortion would undermine the case of Roe v. Wade, a 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalised abortion nationwide.

The WHO Guidelines for Abortion Management include references to the ‘United Nations Global Strategy for Women, Children and Adolescent Health’, which sees abortion and post-abortion management as “one effective way to help individuals thrive and transform communities”.

In response, the CP evaluated that “WHO’s guidelines for abortion management reflect the movement to make abortion an international human right”(Source: Christian Today Synthesis).

It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age. Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.(Titus 2:12,14)

God, please stop the WHO’s attempt to decriminalise abortion as they seek ways to influence their decisions globally. May the leaders of WHO repent and return to You as the opportunity is given to them to come to You and purify their hearts. May the people of the earth respect Your laws and commands over human lives as all humans, including fetuses, are formed and created in Your image to glorify Your name. Lord, may You raise global leaders and prayer warriors to fight against Satan’s wicked scheme that people will honor You and be eager to do what is good in Your sight. May Your truth rule and may Your name be glorified amongst the nations.

Prayer 24·365

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