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[Eng. Prayer] Canada’s crackdown on religious freedom is a wake-up call for Americans.

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 CBN News 영상 캡처

“The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.”

[Mar.22.2022] In a recent article published in the Christian Post (CP), Jorge Gomez, a content strategist at the First Liberty Institute in the United States, said, “ Recent events in Canada reveal an alarming trend of crackdowns on religious liberty. 

While not to the same degree of persecution often seen in North Korea or China, it’s nonetheless alarming that brazen violations are happening so close to home”, Gomez stated.

Artur Pawlowski, a Canadian pastor, has been jailed multiple times for holding worship services, expressing his religious views, and speaking out against government dictates.  

“Canada’s recently unanimously passed law, C-4 prevents its citizens from spreading Biblical views on marriage and sexuality. Canadian parents, faith leaders, and citizens who hold traditional views of marriage and sexuality will now face up to 5 years of jail time for providing spiritual guidance to those seeking counseling.”

Gomez warned that Americans must confront a difficult question: Is a wave of religious hostility, tyranny, and intolerance headed to the Land of the Free? The shocking truth is that similar and equally brazen violations are already happening in our nation.

She took the example of Coach Joe Kennedy, who was fired from his job as a high school football coach because the school district claimed it was inappropriate to kneel and pray on a football field.

Coach Kennedy has now been fighting for years to reclaim his constitutional rights. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear his case and the hearing will be later this year.

This could be a landmark case that would help restore religious liberty for millions of public school employees.

In addition, two Alaska Airlines flight attendants were fired because they asked questions about the company’s support of the “Equality” Act and how it would impact people with religious beliefs.

First Liberty is defending Nurse Robyn Strader who was fired from CVS Pharmacy where she was employed for six and a half years after she refused to prescribe abortifacients as it violates her religious beliefs.

“We must heed the lessons of countries whose descent and demise began when they attacked the faithful. Americans need not only be cautious but also vigilant in fighting back against the contagion of religious oppression.”, Jorge Gomez also said.

“Although our Canadian neighbors appear to be accepting the erosion of their freedoms and God-given rights, Americans cannot follow suit. Religious liberty is the building block of a free society, the pillar of all our civil liberties. Without it, we cannot truly live in liberty“, she emphasized.(Source: Christian Today Comprehensive)

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.(Romans 1:16)

God, thank You that Canada’s persecution of religion became a wake-up call to the Americans. We declare that Satan’s scheme of religious oppression, which disadvantages those who follow their beliefs, has already been broken. Lord, please raise more people who follow the truth and have faith that the powers of the world cannot destroy. We pray that the American churches will boldly proclaim the truth to this wicked generation through God’s power that saves those who are not ashamed of the gospel.

Prayer 24·365

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