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[Eng. Prayer] ‘Anti-LGBT Curriculum Laws’ Spreads, a Dozen States Propose Legislation

▲ 출처: 사진 캡쳐

“Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy”

[Apr.12.2022] In the US, Florida’s parental rights in education law that bans classroom education on sexual orientation and gender identity is inspiring other states across the country, NPR reported on April 10 (local time).

According to NPR, after Florida enacted the law to ban homosexual education in schools, lawmakers in Alabama, Ohio, Louisiana, and Texas are considering legislation that mimics the bill and at least a dozen states are considering similar new legislation that in several ways will mirror Florida’s new law.

The specific details regarding the bills vary from state to state. But generally, they seek to prohibit schools from using a curriculum or discussing topics of gender identity or sexual orientation.

For example, the Arizona bill aims to change the state’s sex-ed curriculum to focus on biological sex and not gender identities. In Iowa, a Senate proposal would require that parents opt in-in writing to any instruction “relating to gender identity.”

A Missouri bill would ban gender or sexual diversity training in public schools. An Indiana bill does the same. As would a Kentucky bill. In Oklahoma, a senate bill would ban books from school libraries that focus on the study of sex, sexual lifestyles, or sexual activity.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot says he will make a similar bill a top priority during the next session of the state legislature.

The institutionalization of these bills is an overt form of structural transphobia, and it goes against all public health evidence in creating a safe and supportive environment for transgender, nonbinary, queer, gay and lesbian youths, and teachers to thrive,” Arjee Restar, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Washington.

Restar added, “there should be no room for transphobia and homophobia-especially in the classroom. “

Last month, Florida Government signed the ‘Parental Rights in Education law’, which prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity for students in kindergarten through third grade. This law also allows parents to bring civil suits against school districts that violate the law.

Ames Simmons, a Duke Law senior lecturing fellow said,” What is truly concerning is that these anti-LGBTQ bills have been coupled with legislative proposals that forbid teaching about structural racism and slavery, and patriarchy and sexism, on the grounds that these concepts make others uncomfortable.”(Source: Yeonhap News).

As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.(2 Peter 1:14-16)

Dear God, thank You for allowing some states in the US to enact laws to ban homosexual education to spread the movement to protect the education of the next generation. When churches pray for the souls of this land, grant us Your grace to live holy lives according to the Word of God without seeking our own selfish desires. Please restore the US’ public education that fuels the lust desires of sinners, and have mercy on those who oppose the law and give them a chance to hear the truth and turn around.

Prayer 24·365

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