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[Eng. Prayer] SAT-7, Spreading Gospel to Middle East Arab Region with Antenna Dish

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Lord richly blesses all who call on him”

[Jun.05.2022] Is there an effective way to spread the gospel in a Muslim country where the literacy rate is high and social activities for women are restricted? A solution to this problem is satellite broadcasting. By attaching a dish-shaped antenna, anyone can access the gospel through broadcasting anywhere, even if they cannot read or write. In particular, the effect of satellite broadcasting was maximized during the pandemic period when social control was intensified.

Kurt Johansson, director of Asia for SAT-7, a multi-denominational Christian satellite broadcasting organization, explained the role of satellite broadcasting at a press conference on 2 June.

SAT-7 started broadcasting as the Arabic channel ‘SAT-7 Arabic’ in May 1996, and currently operates a total of four satellite channels, including three languages -Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi- channels and a channel for children. Now, it is being broadcast in a total of 25 countries, including Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan.

It is known that only 3.5% of the population is currently practicing their faith in these areas. SAT-7 estimates that about 400 million people in the area where satellite reception antennas are installed are possible viewers.

Director Johansson said, “Satellite broadcasting is the most popular media in North Africa and the Middle East and Arab countries. Some countries, including Iran, make it illegal to install satellite broadcasting, however, it is impossible to censor programs or block reception.

He described the scenery he had seen in a Middle Eastern country, saying, “Even in the empty refugee camp, there were TVs and receiving antennas, and I was able to see antenna plates that were densely installed in the residential areas. It is the only way for believers to hold worship services with listening to sermons and praise songs in their own language at home.”

The power of satellite broadcasting was demonstrated during the Covid Pandemic. Director Johansson said, “In the case of the Turkish channel, the number of viewers nearly tripled compared to before the pandemic, and the Arabic channel doubled.”

There were also unexpected effects. Worship has become the most popular program. He said, “As the coronavirus continues, more people are struggling psychologically, and people’s demand for programs has also changed. The number of anonymously asking spiritual questions such as ‘What is the real truth?” has increased dramatically.”

What SAT-7 expects is that house churches are established through their programs. Johansson said, “the SAT-7 puts its focus on discipleship, and there are many programs related to it. In a Middle Eastern country where gatherings are prohibited, you can worship at home while watching the SAT-7 and train pastors and leaders through the discipleship training program(Source: Kukmin Daily News edited).

As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”(Romans 10:11-13)

Dear God, please bless the ministry of SAT-7 that spreads the gospel to countries in the Middle East and North Africa through satellite broadcasting so that churches can be firmly established in the land as their prayers. Let the Muslims receive Jesus, who richly blesses all, as their saviour by hearing the gospel that is spread without being blocked by epidemics or regulations. May thirsty souls find the truth, worship you, and the next generation is raised up as disciples of Christ.

Prayer 24·365

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