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[Eng. Prayer] Homosexuals in Israel… Celebrated with the rainbow-colored flags

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“I will remove the name of the Baal from her lips.”

[Jun.15.2022] On the 10th (local time), Tel Aviv, an Israeli city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, was filled with rainbow colors symbolizing LGBT people, including gays and transgenders. Even the Israeli flags that have the star of David were decorated with rainbow colors.

Over 170,000 people turned out for the ‘Pride Parade’ where homosexuals and transgenders gather.
That is the largest gathering after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. After entry restrictions that were imposed for the prevention of COVID-19 spread were removed, the size of attendance was recovered to the previous level.

In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, the attendance for Tel Aviv Pride was close to 250,000.
However, due to quarantine measures, it was not held in 2020, and only a limited number of people participated last year.

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai said: “ A lot of gay supporters have gathered here.” “Tel Aviv has always been and will always be a welcoming home to all trans people, lesbians, gay men, queer people, and non-binary folks.”

Meanwhile, in January, the Israeli government allowed same-sex couples and unmarried men to have children through surrogacy. So far, Israel has only allowed heterosexual couples and unmarried women who cannot have children to have legal surrogacy under strict conditions.

Accordingly, gay groups and other groups have been demanding to expand the scope of surrogacy, and the Israeli Supreme Court ruled in February 2020 that same-sex couples and unmarried men can legally have children through surrogacy.

At that time, the Supreme Court ordered that the relevant laws be amended within one year, but the government postponed the amendment because the probability of implementing the legislation was low from a political point of view. Against this backdrop, a homosexual group filed a lawsuit and obtained a verdict.

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, who is gay, said: “Now single men and transgender people can become parents. What homosexuals have been asking for is full equality.” “They have been demanding equality of parental rights before the law,” he said.

Unlike other conservative Middle Eastern countries, Israel is relatively tolerant of homosexuality and its culture(source: Daily Good News, Yonhap News).

Their mother has been unfaithful and has conceived them in disgrace. She said, ‘I will go after my lovers, who give me my food and my water, my wool and my linen, my olive oil and my drink.’ I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names be invoked.(Hosea 2:5,17)

God, may You rule Israel, which openly supports homosexuality and allows large-scale parades with the truth, and restore this land to holiness. May the homosexuals who insist on the right to become parents in the name of ‘complete equality, turn away from their evil and shameful ways. May the church of Israel cry out to You until the name of Baal is completely removed from the mouths of the people of this land. May Your name and laws be honored by Your chosen people forever.

Prayer 24·365

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