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[Eng. Prayer] World governments must stop turning a blind eye to the “persecution of Christians”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.”

[Jul.11.2022] World governments must stop turning a blind eye to “the slaughter of Christian”, Release International, a watchdog on Christian persecution in the UK, said. It is calling on the UK government to lead the way by taking ‘a decisive stand’ against rapidly rising persecution of Christians around the world. The call comes before the UK government hosts a ministerial conference on religious freedom.

According to Christian Today UK, the ministerial conference is being held again in three years which is bringing together over 500 government and faith representatives from around the world. Truro Report, which has been released at the previous gathering, called for bold actions to address widespread Christian persecutions.

Release International CEO Paul Robinson said, “The Truro Review has recognized that 80 percent of the violence against faith groups worldwide is directed against Christians. The scale is horrific, and the problem is getting worse by the day. He urged the government to implement the recommendations of the Truro report ‘in full’ and make it ‘a clear priority’.

Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB), Fiona Bruce said, “Some 360 million Christians around the world suffer persecutions for their faith. Somewhere in the world every two hours a Christian is killed for their faith.”

Release International will be hosting a seminar at the Prayer Breakfast on the first day of the ministerial conference. The seminar will examine the growing violence in Nigeria and the Sahel region of Africa. The keynote address will be given by a Release International partner from Burkina Faso who is not being named.

“Many people try to say that these are simply tribal wars. But what we see is the radicalization of Muslims,” she said. “The jihadists are trying to make an Islamic State of Greater Sahara. It is obvious that this is a religious conflict.”

The seminar also heard about the situation in Nigeria from the Anglican Archbishop of Jos, Benjamin Kwashi.

In a video message, he says, “since 2001, not less than 20,000 Christians have been killed in Plateau State alone. And the world is silent. Boko Haram has joined forces with ISWAP (Islamic State West Africa Province) and they have one goal – to Islamize Nigeria. Their first target is the Church.”

The Evangelical Alliance, EA has said that the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office must lead to a long-term strategy to advance FoRB. “Religious freedom is foundational to free societies and should be at the centre of government action across the globe.”(Source: Christian Today Edited).

Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, “But we knew nothing about this, “does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done? (Proverb 24:11-12)

Dear God, when representatives from all over the world gather to discuss the widespread persecution of Christians, please help them to carry out in full the work of rescuing and saving those who have been slaughtered. Let the international community know You who have insight into a person so that we do not ignore the violence in other countries regarding it as mere tribal warfare even though we have the power to help. And also, we pray that the churches of all nations not only seek Your protection amid surging persecution but also spread the glory of the gospel that overcomes suffering to the world.

Prayer 24·365

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