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[Eng. Prayer]Iranian Government Abuses Media to Instigate Campaign to Contempt Christianity

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“His wisdom is magnificent, which has swept away the refuge, the lie”

[Aug.08.2022]The Iranian government is actively inciting “derogatory public opinion” against Christianity and other faiths by using Iranian media outlets to spread religious propaganda. According to Christian Post US, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom(USCIRF) released a new report that ‘Iran’s government uses official media, government-linked media and social media to spread falsehoods and misconceptions about religious minorities.

The report “Religious Propaganda in Iran” attributes the effort to a systematic campaign to deny freedom of religion or belief to groups that do not conform to the government’s singular interpretation of Islam.” For instance, the government describes some Christians as belonging to an “Evangelical cult” and uses vague national security accusations to target Christian converts.

Hojjat al-Islam Kashani, a Muslim cleric, told an Iranian media outlet, “What is being promoted today as Christianity is not traditional Christianity, but rather it is Evangelical and colonial Christianity. Evangelical Christians across the world promote political viewpoints in order to deteriorate the government.”

“This misinformation campaign restricts freedom of religion or belief for religious minorities in Iran,” USCIRF Commissioner Sharon Kleinbaum expressed her concern to The Christian Post. “Iran’s history has many examples of outside intervention by colonial powers in its domestic affairs, so some Iranians may have feelings about minority religions meddling in Iranian politics.”

”Iranian Christians are more likely to face discrimination from Iranians who internalize the government’s false messaging, “she added.

Even in 2016, USCIRF reported that religious minorities in Iran, including Christians, constantly experience severe human rights abuses in the form of harassment, arrests, and imprisonment. Religious freedom conditions in Iran continued to deteriorate.” (Source: Daily Good News, Christian Post US).

I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place. Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it. All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent. (Isaiah 28:17-18,29)

Dear God, please rebuke the Iranian government for inciting false public opinion against Christianity by using lies as a refuge in order not to lose political power. May Your warning be heard by the rulers who oppress the believers, forsaking justice and righteousness so that they may turn from their evil ways and walk with righteousness. Let the gospel of the Cross be preached in this land through the church so that the foolish plans that are exalted against God will fall before Your vast wisdom.

Prayer 24·365

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