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[Eng. Prayer]UK parents Launch Legal Fights Against Mandatory Transgender Classes for 3-Year-Olds

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 Sky news 영상 캡처

“Stop listening to instruction, my son, that makes you stray from the words of knowledge.”

[Aug.27.2022] Parents in UK Wales have launched emergency legal action against compulsory ‘sexual and gender’ classes for students as young as three. According to CBN News, parents requested the High Courts on 19 August (local time) to intervene to block lessons due to start after the summer holidays in schools in Wales.

According to education guide line published by the government, ”schools are instructed to teach healthy, safe and fulfilling relationships, but make no mentions of the words boy, girl, man or woman”. And, “Learners to explore how relationships, sex, gender, romantic and sexual attraction, and personal experiences may shape and inform a person’s identity and individuality,” it reads.

Parents and critics say the topics addressed in the curriculum are ‘very dangerous and inappropriate’ for primary students. Kim Isherwood, mother of two, said; ’It’s weaving adult debates into all subjects,” and ‘even in math, we’ve seen things like “find the area of an LGBT flag” or calculate the percentage of people with chlamydia. It’s dangerous and infuriating.”

Meantime, UK Attorney General Suella Braverman admitted on 11 August (local time) that many teachers are harming children by promoting transgender ideology.

Braverman said, ”many teachers mistakenly believe that they are under an absolute legal obligation to treat children who are gender questioning according to their preference.“ She alleged, “this is sometimes happening without parents knowledge or considering the impact this would have on other children.” (Source: Daily Good News)

The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper. Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stay from the words of knowledge. (Proverbs 19:8,27)

Father God, please stop the UK government’s plan to make LGBT education mandatory for students under 3 years old and protect the next generation from sin. Please destroy Satan’s evil scheme to blur children’s discernment by cleverly blending gender ideology into the curriculum and making them stand against You. We pray that the parents and churches in UK will be awake to the truth and pray so that the children of this land may grow in Jesus Christ, the foundation of wisdom.

Prayer 24·365

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