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[Eng. Prayer]Iranian Broadcaster … Pray “Iran would become Christian Country”

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“ You have prepared your salvation in the sight of all nations.”

[Sep.08.2022] An Iranian broadcaster from Los Angeles, USA, has teamed up with American TV channels to spread the gospel to more Iranian Muslims. According to the American Christian Post (CP), ‘Iran Alive Ministry’ (IAM) recently started broadcasting programs focusing on the gospel during prime time through an official partnership with ‘Channel One-Kanal Yek TV’.

In addition to distributing more than 200,000 Bibles in Iran since 2001, IAM broadcasts a 24/7 satellite channel with Gospel messaging into the Middle East and Central Asia — all from a home studio located just north of Dallas, Texas.

With this partnership, we will gain many new audiences who rejected Christianity. We are reaching a new population that may not have any desire to watch a Christian channel,” said Hormoz Shariat, founder of IAM and host of its daily broadcast. “In one sense, since they don’t want to come to us, we are going to them.

“This is what Jesus commands us: To go and be all things to all people so that we may win some.”, Shariat stated. Shariat’s heart for Iranians is undoubtedly special from his upbringing in Iran in a Muslim home. He became a follower of Jesus in 1980 after a comparative study of the Bible and the Quran.

Under the new partnership with Channel One, IAM holds a primetime Friday afternoon timeslot for their programming. Channel One is one of the oldest and most-watched channels based in the U.S and attracts a constant viewership from within Iran via satellite, despite the Islamic nation’s tightly controlled media censorship, according to Shariat.

Via satellite, Shabakeh7, Shariat’s channel, is the most watched Christian channel in Iran with over 6 million daily viewers — nearly 8% of the population — and a weekly viewer of over 20 million.

In addition to TV programming, IAM also offers online resources to provide Iranians with further education which seeks to fend for the oppressed women in Iran’s radical Islamic reign and Christians. It also offers online information for an extensive underground church network and discipleship training.

“Iran is ready for a major transformation — spiritually, socially, financially, and politically, and I pray it will be a Christian nation as prophesied in Jeremiah 49:38,” he said. The program has more than 2,500 students enrolled in IAM’s online school who are being trained to serve the Lord.

Through his satellite broadcasts, Shariat said, as many as 6 million Iranians are exposed to the Gospel message — however without any support to grow in their faith. That’s why, Shariat says, he started the free leadership training and disciple course to assist newly-converted Iranian Christians.
“When students are properly educated and equipped, they can bring the Word of God to the ends of the Earth,” said Shariat. (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive).

For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” ( Luke 2:30-32)

God, please be with IAM which carries out the evangelism ministry for the people of Iran, and pray that every soul who listens to the broadcast is saved. May You protect the ministry from the government’s strict surveillance. May the oppressed women and children of Iran hear Your boundless love through the broadcasting. Lord, may You send more workers to serve in the training to help the converted Iranians so that many disciples of You will rise as a light to the Gentiles and lead countless people to Jesus Christ.

Prayer 24·365

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