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[Eng. Prayer]U.S. October 6th, Bring Your Bible to School Day

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Bible has the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith.”

[Oct.08.2022]On October 6, campaigns were held across the United States for students to bring the Bible to school. According to the Christian Headline, the annual “Bring Your Bible to School” campaign was held on October 6 this year, followed by a time to share one’s faith in what God’s Word means to an individual’s life.

Sponsored by Focus on the Family, the “Bring Your Bible to School” campaign is a student-led movement across the United States that reads and cherishes the Bible as God’s Holy Word, encourages one another with the hope in Christ Jesus, and celebrates the freedom of religion in the United States.

Held every first Thursday in October, the campaign allows Christian students of all ages to convey God’s grace and truth to those around them with two simple activities: bringing the Bible to school and sharing what God’s Word means to them.

“It’s very important to understand the importance of the Bible today, not only because it’s one of the most influential books in history, but also because it’s a window into the heart of the Creator God,” said Emerson Collins, the campaign’s project manager.

According to CBN News, Focus on the Family launched its first Bring Your Bible to School campaign in 2014. In the first year, 8,000 students participated, and the event later grew into a nationwide movement.

Last year, more than 500,000 students participated in the Bring Your Bible to School campaign, and many parents posted pictures of their children with the Bible on social media using the hashtag #BringYourBible.

“This campaign is a great opportunity for students to express their faith boldly and freely,” said Jim Daley, chairman, and CEO of Focus on the Family. “It’s a perfect way to remind all Americans of the principles of politeness, free expression, fair and open dialogue in an era of changing values and in need of hope and help.”

At the end of last month, students from all over the world participated in another faith-based campaign known as See You at the Pole and gathered at the school’s flag pole to pray. See You At Pole is a gathering of thousands of Christian students every year for worship and prayer at the school flag pole, church, and the Internet (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:15)

God, thank You for guiding students to express their faith through a campaign of Bring Your Bible to School Day at a time when freedom of faith is increasingly infringed. Through the event, may You help the next generation draw near to the Bible from an early age to gain wisdom for salvation, and discover their identity in God. May You help these student-led faith movements take place actively all over the world, and that our next generation will be established in God and boldly preach the gospel in the generation that defies the truth.

Prayer 24·365

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