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[Eng. Prayer]UK Over 1,000 Church Leaders Launch Declaration of Faith on Marriage, Sexuality, and Identity

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“He who created man and woman joined them together as one body”

[Oct.25.2022] British Christian leaders have issued a declaration of faith containing Christian teachings on marriage, sex, and identity. About 1,000 pastors have pledged to abide by Christian doctrine in the face of threats of legal sanctions, financial punishment, and social stigma.

According to British Christian Today (CT), “The Greater Love Minister’s Declaration” released on the 18th (local time) said, “We reject the belief that ‘all sexual desires and inclinations are sacred’ and We declare that marriage is the public lifelong covenant union of one man and one woman”.

This declaration emphasized the common beliefs on homosexual issues and the essential teachings of Christian theology to pastors of various denominations, affirming the duty and commitment to teach and proclaim as a ministry of the gospel.

Dave Gobbett, lead pastor of Highfields Church Cardiff, Matthew Roberts, minister of Trinity Church York, and eight others are the co-authors of the declaration.

“Many people are confused about what it really means to love each other and how to define love,” Pastor Gobbett said. “It is more important than ever that Christian pastors follow the definition of love Jesus Christ taught through John 15:13.”

He said, “I will not yield the ‘great love’ of Jesus Christ to a much lower level of love that is biased towards self-satisfaction, even self-worship, and self-desire.”

Pastor Roberts said, Christianity has always held that marriage is only possible between a man and a woman and that every person is made either male or female in God’s image,” he said. “This is not only embedded in the gospel of Christ – who came from heaven to seek his bride, the Church – but it is a powerful force for good in lives and societies where marriage is honoured”.

“It is an important truth that church leaders must publicly defend in order to truly love God and our neighbors as Jesus commanded us,” he said. “It is important for church leaders to come to the public with these beliefs.”

“I hope that more pastors will read and sign the proclamation,” he said. “Let’s commit together to reveal the ‘Greater Love'”, he added.

On the other hand, the co-authors of the declaration expressed concern that pastors who do not agree with LGBT ideology could be turned into criminals only through preaching and caring when the UK government announced legislation to ban gay conversion therapy last year (Source: Daily Good News)

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6)

Thank You, God, for the religious leaders of England declaring that as ministers of the gospel, they will strengthen and teach the truth of the Lord’s creation order and the calling that united them. Do not let the English saints leave their words in the face of the world’s challenges that disrupt the definition of gender and marriage according to the lust of the body. Let the church of this land be established as the holy bride of the Lord through the leaders who stand by the Lord, even though they may be persecuted when they proclaim the truth.

Prayer 24·365

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