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[Eng. Prayer][Afghanistan] Afghan Christians in danger of persecution by the Taliban are on flee

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Put your hope in God. He will come and help you.

[Dec.10.2022] As the Afghan Taliban continues to persecute minor religious group people, Christians in Afghanistan are fleeing in the dark risking their lives, Britain’s Christian Today (CT) reported.

According to the report, Release International partners helped a Christian family escape from the countryside in the middle of the night. Tarek, his wife and one-year-old daughter left without saying goodbye to friends and family and are now in the care of (Release) partners in Brazil, Release said.

They feared they would be in dire danger in Afghanistan when they heard the Taliban were house-searching for Christians in their hiding places. They became Christians a few years ago and secretly believed in Christianity before the Taliban came into power in August 2021.

After the Taliban came into power, they began to look for Christian-suspects and loot their homes. Some Christians feared being killed or imprisoned.

“A growing number of Christians around the world are being targeted because of their faith and have to flee,” said Paul Robinson, CEO of Release International. For Christmas, Release International focuses on providing relief and aid to Christians who are forced to flee to other countries due to persecution.

According to the release, it is unclear how many Christians remain in Afghanistan. Many people keep their faith secret because of the danger they face. According to Release partners, although the Christian community is very small, the number is growing.

Most Christians have converted from Muslim backgrounds, and their Muslim families and neighbours see them as apostates. They live with the constant threat of being reported to the authorities or even killed.

The Release warned of further threats of harsher punishment the Taliban is imposing on “inciters” whom they perceive as working for other forms of government. “Christians who give their first allegiance to Christ, not the Taliban, are likely to be considered demagogues” he said. (Source: Christian Daily)

I say to God my Rock, “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?” Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (Psalms 42:9, 11)

God, protect and keep the bodies and minds of the Afghan saints who are fleeing to other countries due to the Taliban’s threat and continued persecution. Pray that churches and Christian organizations of all nations provide help, comfort, and encouragement for those who are persecuted for their faith. Pray that they would put their hope in God and praise the grace of God who comes and helps and turns the despair and anxiety caused by the oppression of the enemy into the peace of heaven.

Prayer 24·365

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