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[Eng. Prayer] Korean Bible Society… Consecration of the First Entire Bible Translated in the Pao language of Myanmar

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Gentiles heard it and were glad, and the word of the Lord spread abroad”

[Mar.14.2023] The Korean Bible Society announced on the 11th that the dedication ceremony of the first Bible translated into Myanmar’s Pao language was recently held at Lwai Kaung Church in Taunggyi Village, Shan State, Myanmar.

According to the Korean Bible Society, the Pao tribe is a large tribe with a population of 2 million, but only about 1,000 of them are Christians, and most of the tribesmen are deeply rooted Buddhists.

However, with the publication of the Pao New Testament in 2009, missionary works to the local people gained momentum, and changes followed. The changes are such that monks encountered the word of God then converted to Christianity and became pastors.

The Korean Bible Society said, “Since then, Pao Christians have been eagerly awaiting for the translation of the Old Testament into the Pao language.” According to the Korean Bible Society, the translation of the Old Testament in Pao began in 2011 with the support of Myeongseong Church, and Pao Bible translators and reviewers, including Pastor Koon Basan, gathered every day to work on the translation.

Lwai Kaung Church, where the dedication ceremony was held, is the first Pao tribal church built by the first four Pao Christians who became Christians after hearing the gospel by chance in the Shanju market more than 100 years ago. At that time, they worshipped in secret and went to other tribal villages to be baptized as their villagers were all Buddhists.

More than 1,000 people attended the dedication ceremony, and the inside of the church as well as the outside yard was packed with people. The Pao tribe rejoiced at the offering of the Bible in the churchyard, with some participants playing traditional instruments and singing hymns. In a festive atmosphere, the entire Pao language Bible was brought into the church, and people were filled with joy and excitement.

The Korean Bible Society said, “As of 2021, out of 7,376 languages in the world, the entire Bible has been translated into only 719 languages and the Pao tribe is one of them.” It is difficult for many ethnic minorities to hear the Gospel due to its exclusive nature and language barriers, and it is difficult for Christians from minority ethnic groups to fully understand the Word because they do not have the Bible in their language.

Prayers are needed so that more ethnic minorities, like the Pao, can receive the Bible in their language. The Bible Society hopes that the Pao tribe who received the entire Bible will make Bible-centred growth and be able to witness the gospel to the Pao tribe who have not yet heard the gospel.”

When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. (Acts 13:48-49)

Dear God, thank You for completing of the translation of the New and the Old Testament and the dedication ceremony of the entire Bible with joy and praise of the Pao Church in Myanmar. By using this church built by a small group of people who happened to encounter the gospel, let the witnessing and salvation of those who are destined to have eternal life continue to be spread. Since many ethnic minorities still need the Bible in their own language, pray that the translation of the Bible will continue with the prayers and dedication of the churches so that the word of life will continue to spread throughout.

Prayer 24·365

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