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[Eng. Prayer] Canada, a Child Can Change Gender at Will After Age 12? Introduce Exemption from Gender Identification at Birth.

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 @CanadianPM 영상 캡처

“God created male and female in his own image.”

[Mar.15.2023] Concerns are raised that the introduction of a bill that allows the Canadian province of British Columbia to request birth registrations without gender markings would cause gender identity confusion.

According to the CBC broadcast, on the 9th (local time), the British Columbia provincial legislature proposed and deliberated an amendment to the ‘Vital Statistics Act’ that would allow for the exemption of sex records from newborn birth certificates. If the amendment is finalized, British Columbia will become the third province in Canada to implement the same rule, following Ontario and Nova Scotia.

According to the amendment, parents of newborns do not need to indicate their gender. Until now, specifying gender in the birth certificates for newborns is mandatory though it has been presented with three types: M and F, which mean male and female, and X, which does not specify either.

The concern is that anyone over the age of 12 can change the gender indicated on their birth certificate. The consent of a doctor or psychologist is not required for this process. In other words, when you turn 12, you can change your gender as you wish.

“British Columbia is a gender-diverse province, and the government is committed to modernizing the ways that we record gender,” Health Minister Adrian Dix said during the bill’s first reading.

Meanwhile, according to the 2021 Census, British Columbia had a transgender and non-bisexual population of 18,330, or 0.44% of the total population. This is the third highest among all Canadian provinces (Source: Daily Good News).

God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)

God, rebuke the Canadian government for encouraging its people to depart from Your creation order by introducing legislation that exempts newborns from gender marking and allows children to change their own gender. May You break Satan’s deception that misguides them to follow the desire of the flesh rather than following Your Word. May You raise up politicians who fear and honour You. May the church awaken the bewildered society with the Gospel, and raise up the parents’ generation as warriors of prayer to protect their children from the fierce battle over the value system.

Prayer 24·365

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