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[Eng. Prayer] Indian Churches Proclaiming a National Day of Fasting Amid Continued Persecution

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Call to God and He will sustain you”

[Mar.21.2023] According to the news of the North Indian Mission (representative Lee Yun-shik), the missionary newspaper, Indian churches declared a national fasting day amid continuous persecution toward the church.

India ranks 11th in the world’s Christian persecution index. In India now, violent Hinduism changes are being carried out by political forces, completely different from Hinduism, which has a peaceful image.

Reflecting on this situation, on February 19 (local time), there was a peace march by Indian Christians in downtown New Delhi, the capital of India. Church leaders and young people from 80 denominations from all over India attended the event, as well as human rights activists, people working in the education sector, lawyers, and worshipers.

There has also been condemnation of the government for remaining passive despite the rapid increase in violence by Hindu fundamentalist groups against churches and Christians over the past few years.

In recent years, physical violence against Christians and the destruction of worship facilities have not stopped in India. A Christian presented from the Chhattisgarh district testified about the 2022 assault on Christians by Hindus. Hindus rounded up and threatened Christians to either give up the Christian faith, and ancestral homes or die.

An official from Uttar Pradesh, who attended, testified that the police were behind the violence of Hindu fundamentalists, citing the destruction of church facilities and the arrest of 47 Christians on 14 April 2022.

In response, the Indian church declared a national fasting day through nationwide ties, and Christians across the region had time to fast and pray for the suffering church. One field missionary said, “It is desirable for the Indian church to unite and pray through such persecution and suffering. It proves that the current growth of local churches, especially in North India, is a threat in the eyes of Hindus.”

In the midst of this, it is said that the NIM North India Mission’s regional training school, which trains church leaders through pastors in Punjab and western Delhi, is about to begin. The North India Mission said, “We ask that you continue to pray for the suffering Indian church and Christians, and for the training of ministers for church planting.” (Source: Mission Newspaper Comprehensive)

As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. (Psalms 55:16, 22)

God, thank You for allowing the churches in India, where persecution is severe, to unite in fasting and prayer. May this time of hardship be a blessing for them to experience Your sustaining power more closely. Let the Hindu fundamentalist groups stop committing crimes against You through persecution and evil deeds, and help the persecuted believers to leave their worries and fears to You. May You rebuke the government as they do not seem to intervene to stop the increasing violence. May they fear You and will turn around from their wicked ways and take care of the weak and exercise justice in the nation.

Prayer 24·365

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