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[Eng. Prayer] [Nepal] The ‘Miracle March’ is underway in Nepal, the barren land of the gospel

▲ 출처: NNCC 페이스북 페이지 캡처

“Make disciples of all nations and baptize them.”

[Apr.13.2023] Nepal New Covenant College (NNCC) in Itahari, Morang Province, 560km southeast of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, recently celebrated a milestone occasion coinciding with the 10th anniversary of its foundation. It was the first time that three missionaries were sent to other cultures such as Rwanda in Africa from Nepal which are considered a barren land of Gospel.

Pastor Kwon Seung-il (75), who founded the NNCC in 2013 and serves as principal, said in an interview with the Kookmin Ilbo on the 11th, “Sending off missionaries from NNCC is a historical event that marks a big milestone in Nepal’s Christian history. We give glory only to God,” he said.

The NNCC, which started with 10 students and 3 professors at the beginning of its foundation, has grown into a school with 600 students and 28 professors and faculty members in 10 years. Nepal is a country where Hinduism accounts for 86% of the total population, with only 2-3% of Christianity. In addition, the NNCC is located in the countryside, 14 hours’ drive from Kathmandu. How could such a miracle have been possible?

Pastor Kwon said, “When I first said that I would be going to establish NNCC, missionaries in Kathmandu dissuaded me, saying that I should not establish a seminary in Itahari. However, that was just groundless worry. The miracle of Nepal missionary work continues to this day. It is because it is the work of God.

In late 2012, a Nepalese seminary student who completed his master’s and a doctorate in theology in Korea with the support of Pastor Kwon’s pioneering church asked Pastor Kwon to consider establishing a seminary in Nepal. Pastor Kwon said, “While I was praying about it, I had a vision of a Macedonian asking Paul to ‘come over and help us,’ and I decided to obey God’s call.”

Nepal, located in the Himalayas, has many mountainous areas. It was difficult for people to come to the NNCC. Local pastors asked Pastor Kwon to establish a local seminary in each state. In this way, the Mobile Theological Education Program (MTEP), a local seminary, was established in 14 states in eastern Nepal, where more than 470 people are being educated.

Pastor Kwon said, “Educated students are changed, and churches and communities are also changed due to them,” adding, “The vision is to establish 50 MTEPs in 50 Nepalese states by 2030.” He also said that the role of faculty members and board members who work hard to evangelize Nepal should also be recognized.

“The miracles that are manifesting in Nepal are not the work of human power. It’s the grace of God in the work. Currently, there are many restrictions on missionary work as a law banning conversion is in effect in Nepal. Therefore, we are striving to cultivate local pastors through seminary. Please pray for the gospel to spread vigorously amid persecution.” (Source: Kookmin Ilbo).

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

God, You are to be praised for establishing a seminary in Nepal and raising missionaries for other cultures through a witness who obeyed Your call. Although this land is preventing the spread of the gospel and prohibiting conversion, the kingdom of the Lord is still advancing, so let the seminary and the missionaries who are sent off stand firm in the gospel and prepare the way for the Lord’s coming. Despite the persecution, we cheer for the Nepalese Church’s fight of faith, which teaches and keeps the words ordered by the Lord, and we pray that more disciples of Christ will arise.

Prayer 24·365

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