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[Eng. Prayer] Free Language App Helps 350,000 Residents in North-East Africa with Escaping Illiteracy

▲ 출처: 캡쳐

“Let the light of the Word shine, so that the fool may understand”

[Jun.07.2023] Residents of Northeast Africa, who had no opportunity to learn, are escaping illiteracy by learning Somali through a free app. Over 350,000 Somali children and adults across Somaliland, Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya in the ‘Horn of Africa’ learn to read and write Somali through the free language app ‘Daariz’, Kenyan radio station Capital FM reported on the 2nd (local time).

Developed by the local charity Sahamiye Foundation and launched in 2021, Daariz aims to address low literacy rates in the region by making language acquisition more accessible to learners of all ages.

The Horn of Africa is a place where school enrolment is low and access to quality education is limited due to the absence of rural schools, repeated droughts and continuing conflicts, and frequent population movements. As a result, more than 70% of senior elementary school students in the region cannot even read or understand simple texts in Somali. The average school enrolment rate is also about 30%, which is the lowest in the world.

About 48% of Daariz’s learners are women and girls which is significantly higher rate than female school enrolment in the region. Each person represents a story of resilience, potential, and a brighter future,” Ismail Ahmed, founder of The Sahamiye Foundation, said.

“Our vision is to bring out the potential of learners,” he said. It restores confidence in people of all ages to challenge themselves. This is especially important for female students, out-of-school students, and adults who have missed school education, he stressed. (Source: Yonhap News Agency)

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Psalms 119:18,130,133)

God, at the news of Northeast Africa that residents there can now read and write with the help of the app and charity organization, we pray for the door to the gospel will now open. May You send the Word to those who have lived without the opportunity to learn in drought and conflict and awaken their simple minds with the light of the Word so that they can first learn about sin, judgment, and salvation. Also, let every person who accepts the Lord as their personal saviour live a blessed life expecting the kingdom of God even in poverty, by confessing the Lord of the needs of their life and soul.

Prayer 24·365

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