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[Eng. Prayer]Death Floods on Social Media… Urgent to Develop Discernment Among Youth.

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 tvN 영상 캡처

“To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.“

[Jun.13.2023] Recently, as social media (SNS), such as Instagram, are being abused for accompanying suicide, self-harm, and live streaming of suicide, the need for educating teenagers on good use of media is being raised. In particular, it is pointed out that the church needs to serve as a “bridge” between organizations specializing in suicide prevention and the local community by spreading a culture of respect for life.

On the morning of the 18th, three men in their 20s were found dead in an SUV parked in an empty lot in Unsan-dong, Gangreung-si, Gangwon-do. They were known to meet through internet sites. In April, a teenage female student jumped off from the rooftop of a building in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, with a live broadcast turned on social media. If someone searches for words such as “suicide” or “self-harm” on social media, related content is flooding indiscriminately.

In response, churches and private organizations are conducting ‘media literacy education’ for the youth to develop the ability to discern and use media critically for using media right and to prevent suicide among teenagers. The Korea Respect for Life and Hope Foundation and the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the National Police Agency also conducted a campaign to delete suicide-inducing information earlier this month.

Baramgil Church (Rev. Kim Dong-young) conducts self-respect and suicide prevention education for teenagers through the non-profit private organization ‘Midam’. Midam, in collaboration with the Office of Education, provides preventive activities to youth at risk of suicide by linking them with specialized organizations and experts.

In a recent phone call with Kukmin Ilbo, Pastor Dong-young Kim said, “Due to various distractions including the media, teenagers these days are having a lot of difficulty in expressing or nurturing emotions.” “The original reason is the absence of emotions. A long-term suicide prevention and media education, not a one-off, needs to be sought”, Pastor Dong-young said. 

“The best ministry of a pastor for youth is to serve as a ‘bridge’ between professional organizations and the local community as the media and education field require expertise.”, he added.

The Play Media Education Center provides media addiction prevention education on smartphones and games for the younger age group. The program varies from one-time 2-hour education to hands-on classes and family camps. Rather than simple instructional education, the program is tailored to the student’s level as the top priority.

Kim Nam-hee, a professional lecturer, said, “Adolescents are a vulnerable group for media addiction. Comparing themselves with others and deep feelings of depression from excessive media use affects the suicide rate.” “We need to teach young people how to use and read media at their level”, she emphasised. (source: Kukmin Ilbo Comprehensive).

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. (Romans 8:6,11)

God, we accept that media addiction and indiscriminate abuse among the next generation are our images of pursuing the passion of the eye and the pride of this life and we repent. Pray You would save this generation. May You break Satan’s trick of taking the lives of teenagers through self-harm and suicide by encouraging the thoughts of the flesh. May You turn the media into a channel of the gospel for life. Also, let the church awake and pray to protect the souls of children, and teach diligently the life of following the Holy Spirit with the love of Christ.

Prayer 24·365

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