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[Eng. Prayer] Sudan: Teenage Girls Suffer from Rape and Sexual Violence

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The Lord is faithful and will protect you from the evil one.”

[Jul.19.2023] ReliefWeb reported recently that Save the Children reported that teenage girls are being sexually assaulted and raped by armed combatants in Sudan in alarming numbers, with many survivors aged between 12 and 17 years old.

The children make up some of the cases of sexual and gender-based violence from the escalating conflict, with incidents of rape, sexual assault and sexual exploitation being reported by women and girls who have fled the conflict in Khartoum and other areas.

Some survivors are arriving in neighbouring countries as pregnant because of rape, according to the United Nations refugee agency. Save the Children staff are also reporting that some children are being targeted specifically for their ethnicity as well as their gender.

Even before fighting broke out on 15 April, more than 3 million women and girls in Sudan were at risk of gender-based violence. This number has since climbed to an estimated 4.2 million.

Gender-based violence is often used as a weapon of war to terrorise children, spread fear and intimidation for political and military gain, ethnical cleansing or humiliate a specific ethnic group, or punish civilians for suspected support of opposing forces.

The trauma it inflicts can have long-lasting physical, psychological, social, and economic impacts. The brutality of the physical act itself can be especially damaging for children whose bodies aren’t fully developed. Girls might suffer uterine prolapses, fistula, and other injuries to their reproductive system, and face complications and death due to early pregnancy and unsafe abortions.

“Gender-based violence continues to be used as a tool to intimidate women and children in Sudan,” said Save the Children Country Director Arif Noor. “We know that the official numbers are only the tip of the iceberg. Children who are only 12 years old are being targeted because of their gender, race, and vulnerability.”

“It is very important that we end this conflict for the survival of children and families. This is the only way to protect children from violence and other violations of their rights.”, he added.

The outbreak of this bloody conflict came at a time when Sudan was already facing the worst humanitarian crisis ever, with 15.8 million people suffering from existing conflicts, natural disasters, outbreaks of disease and economic deterioration. (Source: Gospel and Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-3)

God, please rescue the victims of sexual violence from those evil people who take advantage of the chaos of conflict in Sudan. May You bring the international community together to fight against Satan’s scheme of destroying, stealing, and killing people in Sudan, so that all these evil deeds will end sooner. May You help the churches to pray earnestly for the salvation and restoration of these people and to spread the gospel. May You plant an unshakable church that is founded on the faith in Christ who is the hope of the nations.

Prayer 24·365

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