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[Eng. Prayer] Türkiye-Syria: Earthquake Victims Facing Scorching Heat in Temporary Tents

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 Al Jazeera English 영상 캡처

“The heat and the sun will not harm them”

On the 4 th , Save the Children, an international children’s rights organization raised concerns that victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, who are living in temporary tents, could suffer damage from the heat wave that hit the earth again.

Save the Children predicted that the highest daytime temperature in Turkiye Gaziantep this week reached 39 degrees, and in Syria, the average temperature in July and August also reaches 39 degrees, so children and the elderly, who are vulnerable to the heat, are anticipated to suffer greatly.

Public health and hygiene problems are evaluated as serious because of the very high residential density with a large family of up to 20 people living in one refugee tent, and extremely insufficient sanitation facilities such as toilets In addition. It emphasized that basic sanitary products such as soap, detergent, toothpaste, and toothbrushes are difficult to obtain, increasing the threat of skin diseases, food poisoning, and water-borne diseases.

The heat wave is predicted to exacerbate starvation in Syria, where more than half of the
population, 12.1 million, are suffering from starvation. A concern was raised that food shortages not only affect children’s physical and cognitive development but could also lead to fatal consequences from water-borne diseases such as cholera in children.

Save the Children is collaborating with the Turkey Disaster Management Agency (AFAD) on a project to build a temporary settlement for displaced persons with the capacity of 500 containers through funds from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). When the temporary settlement is completed, it plans to operate a child-friendly space, a temporary learning centre, a psychosocial support program, and a youth livelihood program.

Jang Seol-ah, head of the humanitarian aid team from Save the Children, who visited the
earthquake-affected areas in Turkey said, “The health of the residents is threatened with high density in tents and poor water quality as well as the habitat of insects and rats in collapsed buildings.” (source: Yonhap News).

They will neither hunger nor thirst nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water. (Isaiah 49:10)

God, please protect Turkey and Syrian refugees who are staying in tents after the earthquake and are exposed to the brutal heatwave that threatens their lives.  We pray for a smooth supply of health and sanitation products and food needed at disaster sites, and we also pray for the Turkey Disaster Management Agency to act promptly in providing immediate help to the people. May You speed up the temporary settlement project so that people will live in a more secure & comfortable environment. May Your mercy & grace be upon the refugees that the current crisis will lead them to experience salvation in Christ Jesus.

Prayer 24·365

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