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[Eng. Prayer] Malta’s Ex-homosexual Man Faces a Potential Prison Sentence After Sharing the Story of Accepting Jesus

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 Christian Concern 영상 캡처

“Rejoice when persecution and evil are spoken, for your reward is great”

A former LGBT activist in Malta who is reportedly facing a potential prison sentence after giving public testimony that he abandoned his gay lifestyle to follow Christ is continuing his legal battle.

Matthew Grech shared his story of leaving the LGBTQ lifestyle and finding Jesus at a local outlet in Malta. After that, a legal problem began. He said the two presenters of PM News Malta wanted to know more about the Maltese administration’s crackdown on the post-homosexual movement, which is vaguely described as so-called conversion therapy, and his views on the matter. 

Malta, in 2016, became the first European Union country to ban attempts to “change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression,” leading to fines or even jail time.

Just days later, he said three people reported him to the police and accused him of breaching the law. Suddenly, he was in legal trouble. “I had to go to the police, and I exercise my right to be silent,” he said. “And the police press charges against me.” Grech is reportedly the first person in his country to be prosecuted in such a way.

“If I’m found guilty, I could spend five months in jail, or I could pay a fine of up to 5,000 euros just for exercising my freedom to be a Christian and to support others who want to move away from unwanted LGBT identities or desires,” he said.

In the end, Grech said he’s grateful for the support and prayer he’s received from Christians across the globe. He’s confident he will be victorious in court, but even if he’s not, he has no plans to give up hope or to cede to the state. Regardless, Grech said he plans to cling to the Lord and take whatever comes his way.

Grech continued, “Worst case scenario is sharing Jesus in prison and just suffering for the sake of Christ and counting it all joy for the prize of knowing Him, knowing that he’s producing perseverance and he’s strengthening our faith through every trial.”

In a previous interview, Grech told CBN’s Faithwire about his life before finding Jesus, noting he was in same-sex relationships and embroiled in New Age beliefs.

That lifestyle was obliterated, though, when Grech was invited to church one day and experienced something he had never experienced before: “the presence of God” and the genuine love of believers. He said the impact of that experience was profound, leading him to fully embrace a Christian life. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:11-12)

God, rebuke the Maltese authorities for defying the truth by enforcing the wicked law. May You destroy Satan’s wiles leading Maltese souls to the path of destruction through deception and the lust of the flesh. May You be with Brother Grech and help him to stand firm and be bold in his faith in Christ. May Christians who are persecuted for their faith stand firm as witnesses of the gospel, rejoicing over the heavenly reward and preaching the gospel wherever you send them.

Prayer 24·365

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