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[Eng. Prayer] Europe: 750 anti-Christian hate crimes in Europe last year alone.

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“You will be persecuted but continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of.”

It was revealed that about 750 anti-Christian hate crimes occurred last year in Europe alone. This is a significant increase of 44% compared to the previous year (519 cases).

The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe (OIDAC in Europe), an Austria-based non-governmental organization, recently reported anti-Christian hate-crime incidents in 30 countries, ranging from arson attacks, graffiti, desecration, theft to physical attacks, insults, and threats in its ‘2022 Annual Report’.

The report identified 749 incidents classified as hate crimes in 2022. These included 38 physical assaults and 3 murders. In particular, arson attacks increased last year. It nearly doubled from 60 cases in 2021 to 105 cases in 2022.

The report also analysed various forms of discrimination against Christians. “Over the past year, Christians have lost their jobs, been suspended or faced criminal trials for publicly expressing their religious views,” OIDAC said. “Christians who adhere to the church’s traditional teachings have been targeted for committing ‘hate speech’ and have been prosecuted or even indicted,” the report pointed out.

“In particular, in the UK, there have been legal restrictions on freedom of religion and assembly through so-called ‘buffer zone’ legislation that criminalizes prayer and religious expression around abortion clinics, and it is a form of national regulation that has been brought about, criminalizing Christians who pray quietly,” the report raised its concern.

In addition, “Christian religious freedom is restricted by other influential legal developments, such as vague laws that criminalize parents, pastors, and teachers for expressing opposing views on LGBTQ-related discussions or for preventing their children from receiving ‘hormone treatment’ due to their religious convictions”. 

Researchers say criminalizing expressions of religious teachings as ‘hate speech’ is dangerous on multiple levels, including stigmatizing and inciting hatred. And urged government officials to better monitor and improve instances of intolerance and discrimination against Christians.

“When reporting or writing about Christians, apply the same standards used for other religious groups or minority groups,” the report said. It also urged that there needs to be a dialogue between religion and secular society to build bridges between various groups so that Christians can continue to share freely about their faith. (Source: Daily Good News Comprehensive).

In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it. ( 2 Timothy 3:12-14)

God, as we hear the hate crimes against Christians are increasing in Europe, we entrust the matter to our Lord Jesus, the head of the church. In a generation of increasing wars on the truth and stirring the world that we can no longer stay in a complacent place, show Your glory and victory through churches that stand in the word that they learned and believed. Thus, let the grace of light shine on those who refuse the truth but love the world so that they may turn away from their ways and be saved throughout Europe.

Prayer 24·365

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