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[Eng. Prayer] China: Chinese Churches Pass on Faith to the Next Generation Amid Government Oppression

▲ 출처: 캡처

“From generation to generation, we will praise and declare with great praise what the Lord is doing.”

Mission Network News (MNN) introduced on the 26th that even in an environment where government pressure and sanctions are intensifying, young Christians in China are learning how to respond from older generations.

“It will be a challenge overall for the Chinese church to continue to work out how to continue ministry in the current environment where President Xi Jinping is seeking to further control religion amidst many restrictions and pressures from the government,’” said Eric Bucklin, MNN’s China representative.

“At this time, we remember Titus chapter 2, which tells believers to teach the next generation how to live a godly life,” Eric said. China’s Christians have experienced a period of severe government repression, so the older generation has wisdom to share about the challenges young pastors face.

Bucklin, who communicates with local missionaries in China, said, “I will never forget what one pastor said: ‘Young people can make more money by being a taxi driver than becoming a pastor at a local church.’ “

This pastor expressed concern that “due to rapid economic development, many Christians are avoiding ministerial positions to support their families.” Despite the financial pressures, Bucklin said many of the seminary’s 2023 summer graduates are now serving as church leaders.

“Ultimately, the Chinese church will continue to grow,” Bucklin said. “Loyal people will continue evangelism and prepare the next generation for church ministry,” he stated.

He calls for the Christians to pray for young pastors that God will connect them with Christian mentors who would raise them as future leaders. He quoted Psalm 145:4, ”From generation to generation they will praise your deeds and declare your mighty works.”

He asks prayer for the Chinese church that they will not be afraid of the current movement and oppression of the government but continue to be faithful to the Lord.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.   They tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. (Psalms 145:4,11-12)

God, we thank You for the news that the Chinese church is working hard to pass on the faith to the next generation and build them up as servants of God despite government oppression. Let us hold fast to Your promise and pray that the church that participated in the complete salvation achieved by the Lord on the cross will not compromise or collapse. May the gospel of grace be powerfully spread throughout China through the next generation of believers, so that Your Kingdom may come to this land in full.

Prayer 24·365

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