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[Eng. Prayer] Palestine: Prayer Requests for Palestinian Christians from Open Door

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 엠빅뉴스 영상 캡처

“I am with you to save you and deliver you.”

Open Door introduced various ministries currently underway for Christians living in Palestine and requested prayers and support. Since the Israel Defence Forces launched an attack on Gaza in response to Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7 last year, almost all Christians in the area have taken refuge in a church building.

Before the war, about 1,070 Christians were living in Gaza. Open Doors said, “Continued prayers are needed for Christians in Gaza City who have taken refuge in a Catholic church building,” adding, “The situation is complicated as hundreds of people are inside the building.” The situation around the shelter church has seemed to be improving over the past few weeks, but the situation remains dangerous.

“People were able to leave the church building to walk around and buy things they needed,” said Open Door’s local partner manager. “But at the end of January, fighting started again near the church.” The Israeli military ordered residents of some parts of Gaza City to leave for the southern part of the Gaza Strip, but Christians in the church say they did not receive such orders.

“This is a very positive thing,” the local partner manager said. “People are happy that they are still there. “In a sense, the church is like an oasis for Christians.” Meanwhile, with Open Door’s support, the church purchased toys and delivered them as gifts to all Christian children in Gaza.

Open Doors is currently active in the West Bank and Israel, and in the Gaza Strip through local partners. The ministry supports Israeli and Palestinian churches in cooperation with local partners and churches and specifically includes training, distribution of Bibles and Christian materials, leadership development, advocacy and visiting ministry, regional research, and prayer ministry.

Open Doors made requests to “pray for the hundreds of Christians in our church building so they can continue to trust God and find encouragement in prayer meetings.” “Please also pray for the children who cannot go to school and play as much as they used to. Please pray for parents for wisdom to support their children and to prevent the wounds they have already suffered from getting worse” and “please pray for this terrible war to end and for peace to continue.” (Source: Missionary Newspaper Comprehensive)

I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,” declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 15:20)

God, thank You for protecting Palestinian Christians and granting them helping hands amidst the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Hamas. Pray that the war ends soon,  Satan’s schemes to kill and destroy be demolished and bring peace to this land with Your bronze walls of protection and the power of the gospel. Despite of the dark situation and dangers around the country, may You establish the church with the faith that God is with Palestine and let Your life flow to all souls.

Prayer 24·365

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