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[Eng. Prayer] USA: A Christian School Girls Basketball Team Expelled After Withdrawing a Game with Transgender Player

▲ 출처: Marcel Schreiber on Unsplash 사진 캡처

“I am delightful because you walk in the truth.”

The head coach at a private Christian school in Vermont has claimed that his women’s basketball team has been barred from participating in future tournaments associated with a state athletic organization after it forfeited a girls’ basketball game because the opposing team had a biological man.

According to Christian Headlines, the controversy began when Mid Vermont Christian School withdrew from the first round of a girls’ basketball tournament for the 2022-2023 school year instead of playing a team featuring a biological male who identified as female.

According to court documents, the player was at least 182 CM tall and taller than any player of Mid Vermont Christian School. Video from another game showed him “repeatedly blocking female players’ shots, elbowing them, and knocking them down.”

In response, Mid Vermont Christian School announced that it had made this decision out of concern for the safety of its players.

In response, the Vermont Principals’ Association, which organizes games and state athletic competitions, banned the Mid Vermont Christian School girls’ basketball team from all state-sponsored athletic events and associations. Mid Vermont Christian School sued the Vermont Principals Association in federal court, alleging religious discrimination. The school also claimed the association violated its fairness policy.

Chris Goodwin, the girls’ team’s coach, said the issue was about safety. “Boys play at a different speed and strength than girls. It’s a different game. So I never have men and women practice together. Because it only causes injuries and is irresponsible,” he said.

“The state of Vermont has adopted a particular view of human sexuality and gender,” said the Liberty Defenders League, which defended the school. “While the state may hold its view that gender can be changed and that biological differences do not matter, they have no right to force private religious schools across the state to adhere to Vermont’s views as a condition of participation in the state athletic association, nor is it unconstitutional,” he said.

This lawsuit states, “Mid Vermont Christian School believes that God created each person uniquely as male or female, that a person’s sex is determined by biology at creation, and that gender is immutable,” and “This lawsuit claims unconstitutional religious discrimination and this is to protect Christian schools, students, and parents from hostility.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John 1:3-4)

God, we thank You for the Christian school that has decided to follow Your teachings in this generation that opposes Your teachings and is following the pattern of this world concerning human sexuality. At a time like this, let the church pray diligently so that it does not compromise the word of God and proclaim the gospel to the world. Pray that the church is triumphant with faith over the field opposing God using law and public power. Thus, let the souls who leave the truth and follow the path of sin turn back to the Lord and advance to the place of true repentance, and restore them to children of joy who long for heaven’s glory.

Prayer 24·365

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