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[UK] Scottish Church Leaders Express Opposition to Assisted Suicide

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Truly the source of life is with you.”

Christian Today reported on the 15th that church leaders have expressed serious concerns over a move to legalize assisted suicide in Scotland.

Rev Andrew Downie, Moderator of the United Free Church of Scotland, and Reverend Bob Akroyd, Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, have urged members of the Scottish Parliament not to support Liam McArthur’s bill to legalize assisted suicide. (MSP).

In a letter to all 129 members of the Scottish Parliament, they said supporting the proposed legislation would “cross a clear moral line” and “mean that Scottish society has lost faith in the inherent value of every human life.”

They warned that Scotland “risks becoming an ethical wasteland”, adding that legalizing assisted dying could send the message to some people that “life has become worthless”.  “We believe that all people are created in the image of God, as stated in Genesis,” church leaders said.

He continued, “All lives have equal value, a value that can only be measured by the suffering Jesus Christ endured on the cross for humanity.” “It is therefore very important for Congress to understand the consequences of crossing the moral boundary of admitting ‘if a certain level is not reached, life may lose value and be terminated,’” he explained.

In that case, “we will have a society in which the value of every human life is unequal and purely relative,” and “It will be a society in which the value of all human lives is graded according to their usefulness, meaning, and degree of enjoyment experienced,” he warned.

The letter concludes that “Appropriate palliative and hospice care must be developed across Scotland to enable people to live as comfortably as possible without intentionally ending their lives. Then society would recognise these people as valuable people, and at the same time, we will unconditionally accept patients who receive compassion and care.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

I have a message from God in my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart. (Psalms 36:1, 9-10)

God, thank You for the church leaders in Scotland who are opposing the legalization of the law that misleads people to end their lives on their own decisions though their lives were purchased by the blood on the cross. Let the Scotland government listen to the concerning voice of the church leaders and people and turn their hearts and acknowledge that the source of life lies in You and that all lives are equally valuable. Let the church first stand before God, who is to be feared every moment, and spread the gospel so that honest souls that reflect Your light be raised so that God’s righteousness is restored on this land.

Prayer 24·365

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